
Halloween Tot Parade returns to Spruce Hill

October 25, 2013

Great news for our little neighbors and their parents – the Halloween Tot Parade, a fun annual tradition in the Spruce Hill neighborhood, is scheduled again this year, so make sure to show off your bootastic costumes and have fun with your friends and neighbors (and West Philly Local will be there too to snap some photos). Here are more details from the Spruce Hill Community Association website:

HalloweenThe date is Thursday, Oct. 31 (no rain date). As it has for the last several years, the parade will start gathering after 4 p.m. on 45th St. just north of Baltimore Ave. (next to Milk and Honey). The kick-off time is 4:30 p.m., when marchers, led by drummers from the Penn marching band, will go north on 45th to Larchwood Ave., down to 43rd St., and then on to the 4200 block of Osage. There the block residents will welcome them – as always – with cider and goodies and some amazing Halloween decorations. The University City District will be assisting in directing traffic around the parade route. Parents, please be alert while crossing Baltimore Ave. and other busy streets. Parking on the 4200 block of Osage will be restricted Thursday afternoon to accommodate the parade. Overnight parkers will be able to get their spots once the clean up is done and all the ghosts and goblins are safely home.

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Photos by Mike Lyons/West Philly Local.

2 Comments For This Post

  1. slugmother Says:

    I don’t have kids and I’ve worked the last two halloween nights since moving here – whats the general timeframe that people are trick-or-treating in the neighborhood?

  2. Jen Says:

    I would say little kids start trickling out with their parents around 4:30 and reach maximum density around 6. It’s been my experience that people who welcome trick or treaters sit on their porches – might not be true of everyone but my kids don’t ring doorbells (unless we know the people whose house it is) but they always end up with a huge haul of candy. If you are on the parade route you’ll definitely get customers from 4:30 on. Older kids come out between 7-8 pm. I think people travel to this neighborhood from other neighborhoods because so many people participate. It’s the best night of the year.

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