
WPL’s 2013 Pumpkin Carving Contest: Here are the winners

November 4, 2013

The votes are in, the judges have made up their minds and we’re happy to announce the winners of West Philly Local’s 2013 Pumpkin Carving Contest. Thanks again to everyone who participated in the contest and to those who voted.

And the winners are:

The Readers’ Choice winner is the Scary Philly School Closings pumpkin (Pumpkin 3) and her creator Milena Velis. Nearly 250 votes were cast in the Readers’ Choice category and Milena’s pumpkin received 108 votes. As one of West Philly Local readers said in the comments, “Really amazed at the detail in pumpkin. And the statement on what is happening in our city.” Most of the voters agreed. Milena wins the grand prize, which includes two gift cards/certificates from local businesses of her choice, a $20 Four Worlds Bakery gift card  + two free tickets of her choice (to Penn Museum or Curio Theatre).



The winner in the Kids’ Category is 10-year-old Edward Brown who carved The Invisible Man pumpkin. Nice work, Edward! You win a $20 Lil’ Pop Shop gift card, and two Penn Museum tickets.



The winner in the Philly-themed category is Shir K and her West Philly themed Porch Kitties pumpkin.



The scariest pumpkin, in our judges’ opinion, is Bimal Desai’s Werewolf pumpkin. Congratulations, Bimal! You did it again.



Unfortunately, no pumpkins were submitted in the Funniest category, so our judges didn’t select a winner here. As a special prize, though we decided to award the pumpkin that finished second in the Readers’ Choice category – the Lou Reed pumpkin carved by our last year’s Readers’ Choice winner Nate Johnson. The Lou Reed pumpkin received 56 votes out of 249. Great job, Nate, once again!



We will be contacting all the winners shortly with more details about the prizes they won. And we would like to thank again the businesses who provided the prizes and made this contest possible: AksumCurio TheatreDock Street BreweryFour Worlds BakeryCafe RenataHonest Tom’s Taco ShopLil’ Pop ShopPenn Museum, and VIX Emporium.

1 Comments For This Post

  1. Wild Turkey Says:

    The Lou Reed pumpkin is amazing.

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