
Energy efficiency help & tips

December 11, 2013

As temperatures outside drop, many older West Philly houses can feel drafty and cold inside while your energy bills skyrocket. Air sealing and insulation alone can save up to 25 percent on these costs, but not everyone can afford this type of work on their house. We learned that The Keystone Home Energy Loan Program (Keystone HELP) is a special program designed to help homeowners improve the comfort of their homes and save money through energy efficiency upgrades.

Homeowners can qualify for a 0.99 percent interest loan of up to $15,000 to finance the upgrades. As a first step for loan qualification, a home energy audit must be completed that assesses a home’s durability, energy efficiency, and health and safety. Other qualifying improvements include heating and cooling system replacements, hot water heater replacement, windows and doors. The pre-qualification loan application can be completed on Keystone HELP’s Web site,, and you can search for a local contractor by clicking the “Find A Contractor” button.

Also, click here for quick tips for energy efficiency.

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