
Lengthy stretches of Chestnut, Walnut, Woodland among snow emergency routes. Move your car!

January 21, 2014

Mayor Michael Nutter declared a “snow emergency” at about 3 p.m. today, meaning parked vehicles must be moved off “snow emergency routes” as soon as possible so they can be plowed.SnowinWestPhilly2

Several major streets in West Philly will be affected, including Chestnut Street, Walnut Street and Woodland Avenue. If your vehicle remains on one of these streets it will be ticketed and towed. If your car is towed, call 215-686-SNOW to find out where they took it. If you have to move your car, city officials are asking you to move it as far from a corner as possible to allow the plows room to turn.

So far most bus, train and trolley routes are still running, but may have delays. Go to SEPTA.ORG for info. Also, public and parochial schools are closed tomorrow.

See the full list of snow emergency routes citywide here.

In West Philly, snow emergency routes include:

• Chestnut Street from Cobbs Creek Parkway to 20th Street
• Walnut Street from Broad Street to Cobbs Creek Parkway
• Woodland Avenue from Cobbs Creek Parkway to University Avenue
• 34th Street from University Avenue to Grays Ferry Avenue
• 38th Street from Walnut to University Avenue
• 63rd Street from City Avenue to Walnut Street
• University Avenue from 38th Street to 34th Street
• Island Avenue from Woodland Avenue to Enterprise Avenue
• Cobbs Creek Parkway from Walnut Street to Woodland Avenue
• Schuylkill Avenue from Market Street to Walnut Street

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