
More important snowstorm-related info

January 21, 2014

West Philly Local has already reported about public and parochial school closings this Wednesday due to the continuing snowstorm. Here’s what else local authorities want you to know:

– Regular Tuesday garbage and recycling collections have been cancelled. If your regular pick-up day is Tuesday please hold your trash until next week.

– With the current snowfall projections, the City expects to treat and plow all residential streets within 48 to 72 hours after the snow ends. All property owners are required to clear a path of at least three feet in front of their property within 6 hours of the snow event ending, including curb cuts.

– If you observe a homeless person(s) in need of assistance please contact the Project Home Outreach Hotline (215-232-1984). During the call, please provide the address, location and description of the person in need.

3 Comments For This Post

  1. J Says:

    I am confused about the trash. Which day – Tuesday or Wednesday – is cancelled?

  2. Says:

    Hi J. Tuesday collections have been cancelled. We updated the post to avoid confusion.

  3. Jen Says:

    Wow, the shoveled sidewalk path needs to be three feet wide? Better get cracking!

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