
Snow emergency declared: No school, no trash pick-up, no parking (updated)

February 12, 2014


Photo by Annamarya Scaccia.

UPDATED (2/15/2014): The snow emergency was lifted at 2 p.m. on Friday and it is now safe to park your vehicle on all snow emergency routes.

(2/12/2014, 4:11 p.m.): Here we go again. The city has declared a snow emergency beginning at 8 p.m. tonight, so if you’re parked on one of the snow emergency routes in West Philly you will have to move your car (see below). Public and parochial schools have also been closed for tomorrow ahead of the latest storm, which is expected to dump as much as a foot of snow on the city tonight through tomorrow. Early childhood and after-school programs are also cancelled.

Trash and recycling pick-up is also suspended for Thursday and Friday. Those who usually get rid of their trash on those days are asked to hold on until next Thursday or Friday.

Several major streets in West Philly will be affected, including Chestnut Street, Walnut Street and Woodland Avenue. If your vehicle remains on one of these streets it will be ticketed and towed. If your car is towed, call 215-686-SNOW to find out where they took it. If you have to move your car, city officials are asking you to move it as far from a corner as possible to allow the plows room to turn.

There is no word yet on when the parking ban might be lifted.

In West Philly, snow emergency routes include:

• Chestnut Street from Cobbs Creek Parkway to 20th Street
• Walnut Street from Broad Street to Cobbs Creek Parkway
• Woodland Avenue from Cobbs Creek Parkway to University Avenue
• 34th Street from University Avenue to Grays Ferry Avenue
• 38th Street from Walnut to University Avenue
• 63rd Street from City Avenue to Walnut Street
• University Avenue from 38th Street to 34th Street
• Island Avenue from Woodland Avenue to Enterprise Avenue
• Cobbs Creek Parkway from Walnut Street to Woodland Avenue
• Schuylkill Avenue from Market Street to Walnut Street

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