
Talented teens need your help for “Avenue Q School Edition”

February 25, 2014


Local teens are taking part in Avenue Q School Edition. (Photo courtesy Project Arts)

Here’s a chance to support a new local high school musical project and help make a change in the lives of some talented teens who are facing cuts in their school music programs.

West Philly Local has already written about “Avenue Q School Edition,” an after-school program and show currently being put on at The Rotunda by Project Arts. The project has finally reached the costly production stage, which includes the construction of an intricate set, puppet rental costs, mic rentals, and the hiring of a great crew of teachers and workshop leaders, according to Rich Wexler, Project Arts executive director.

“We have improvisation classes, a history of puppetry workshop, puppetry manipulation workshops, vocal and acting coaching, and diversity training for our cast. This process gives our teens the tools to excel in our production. But we need help to provide our teens with all the necessary tools we need to make this production successful,” Rich wrote in an e-mail.

Rich and the teens and teachers involved in the project are reaching out to fellow West Philadelphians with the following request:

“If you believe in our work, please give whatever you can. Our last production (Rent School Edition) really had a great impact on the lives of our cast. In our own way, we changed some of their lives. We worked harder this year to do outreach to youth that did not have any access to theater programs or productions, as well as casting a very diverse cast.”

Project Arts was able to get $10,000 in grants for this show through a partnership with The Rotunda and their goal is to produce two to three productions a year with children and teens. They still need to raise about $3,500 to pay for all of the production costs.

If you would like to support this project please go to this Indiegogo page to make a donation:

And here’s information on the upcoming “Avenue Q School Edition” shows:

Dates: March 21st – 30th (7 shows )
Times: 3pm, 7pm, 8pm (various nights)
Venue: The Rotunda, 4014 Walnut Street
Cost:  $10-15
Tickets on sale here:

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