
Woman describes her own mugging near 48th and Florence

March 11, 2014


Editor’s note: A neighbor wrote us yesterday to describe a mugging at 48th and Florence on Sunday night. She agreed to let us print her account, minus her name. She has reported the incident to police.

I was told I should let you all know about this so that others could be on the lookout. Last night at [about 11:30 p.m.]. I was mugged at 48th and Baltimore right outside of Gold Standard walking down Florence Ave. [She] was a short (5’2″ or shorter) middle-aged African American woman wearing a dark knit cap and a blue or black heavy coat. She initially approached asking for fare to get to 69th and Market. When I wouldn’t go along with her story she got mad and threatened my life, claiming to have a weapon. I didn’t see one and she may not have had one, but I figured it wasn’t worth the risk and gave her my empty wallet. She tried to use my debit card at a CVS, I’m not sure which one. It got flagged by fraud prevention and I canceled all of my cards. Hopefully people will keep on the lookout for this person. She also had very bad teeth. If you need anything else, please let me know. Also, if you could please not print my name or identifying details, I would appreciate that.

9 Comments For This Post

  1. Leslie Says:

    A women fitting that description approached me at the 47th & Spruce bus stop one Thursday afternoon a couple of weeks ago. Also asking for bus fare to get to 69th Street. However, a couple of people walked by and she immediately walked away. She didn’t seem threatening to me, but one never knows and I always try and stay on guard with strangers.

  2. Strongforu Says:

    Sorry to hear this happened to you.I’ve seen this woman in the day. (My gut instinct says she was released from a mental institution). She looked as if she was going to ask me a question, but I gave her the look that said “you’ve got the wrong one on the right day!”. She quickly walked away.

  3. Matt Says:

    I wonder if this was Edna?

  4. sarah Says:

    a woman fitting that description tried to approach me last tuesday at 45th and spruce around 8p. I never stop for strangers though, just told her sorry I’m running late as I walked by.

  5. Sara Says:

    A had an incident with a woman who fits this description last August. She approached me outside my residence (my first day after moving into the neighborhood) near 45th & Pine, took my lighter and proceeded to loudly accuse me of stealing her clothing, breaking into her house, and other nonsensical things. After I went inside she walked right into the lobby of my building, lit up a cigar and continued yelling until both I and my neighbor called the police and my neighbor told her they were on the way. When the police arrived she was still lingering down the block screaming. She was arrested and I filed a report at the station. The police seemed to be familiar with her. She didn’t necessarily seem threatening but certainly off balance so you never know.

  6. Dan Says:

    I live on that block. A woman fitting this description knocked on my door at about 8:30 p.m. last week. It was one of those extremely cold nights. She claimed she lives nearby and was locked out, looking for money to get back to her office to get her keys. I detected a fast talker…… told her to scram.

  7. Julia Says:

    I had an encounter with a woman fitting this description also. She was thin and of a petite body size. It was a morning after one of the heavier snowfalls (maybe January) and I was clearing snow off my car near 48th and Pine. She approached me wearing a light spring jacket, a knit hat and no gloves. She asked for help to get to 69th and Market. I had a Septa token that I gave her and she thanked me and walked toward Spruce St. I assumed she might be homeless.

  8. Annie Says:

    I had an incident with a women fitting that description as well. She asked for tokens, we said no but she kept following us and calling me names. After we called the cops she threatened to rob me but ended up hitting me in the face, when I ran after her my friends stopped me but she quickly vanished.

  9. Miriam Says:

    I had an incident this morning with a woman fitting this description at 49th and Springfield. I had just come out of the corner store and she seemed to be going in, but then she turned around and started screaming and cursing at me to get away from her, and whacked me on the head with her umbrella or bag or something, then walked away but kept screaming and cursing at me.

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