
Thursday crime: Man shot at 50th and Osage; suspect in theft from auto arrested

March 21, 2014

crimeThursday night was a busy night for police in West Philly, who responded to a report of a shooting near 50th and Osage and also apprehended a person in connection with a theft from a vehicle in the area. Here are the details.

A young man was shot twice in the leg at about 7:30 p.m. near 50th and Osage. The victim, a 23-year-old male, was walking on 50th Street heading toward Osage Avenue when he suddenly noticed he was being followed by three males, according to a police report. One of the males said to him “Yo, I got that weed”. When the victim turned around he noticed one of the males was armed with a black handgun. The victim then started to run when he heard multiple gunshots. As he was running he felt a pain in his right calf and noticed he was bleeding. He continued running until he noticed the police at 49th & Spruce Street. He was taken to the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania by fire rescue.

The suspects, described as young black males, two wearing all black clothing and the third wearing a sky blue hoody, ran South on 50th Street toward a grayish colored four-door Pontiac or Oldsmobile that was parked along the 400 block of S. 50th Street. The vehicle then fled North on 50th Street from Osage Avenue, according to police. A similarly described vehicle was involved in a robbery on March 12 on the 4600 block of Hazel Avenue.

West Philly Local readers reported that they heard at least eight gunshots last night. Police recovered nine 9mm fired cartridge casings and two bullet fragments at the scene.

Also on Thursday, at around 10:30 p.m.,18th District undercover police officers caught a man breaking into an unlocked car at 49th and Larchwood, arrested him and recovered the stolen belongings, according to a tweet by Joe Murray of Southwest Police Detectives.

16 Comments For This Post

  1. Osage neighbor Says:

    I definitely heard 8 shots.

  2. Brendan Says:

    Someone was chased by multiple plain-clothed and uniformed police officers in front of the gas station at 46th and Baltimore at 8:30 PM last night. May have been related.

  3. Brendan Says:

    Meant to include he was apprehended in front of the gas station

  4. walking by Says:

    we were walking by 50th and osage last night when the gun shots rang out. at first, i thought they were firecrackers because they didn’t have the pop of a strong shot.

    saw someone run away from scene saying call the ambulance, but i thought he was joking around.

    hope everyone is ok.

  5. christina Says:

    When you hear [what you think are] firecrackers going off and someone comes running by saying Call an ambulance, I….suggest you call an ambulance. And I suggest you take off running, too.

  6. Zoe Says:

    Where did the gun come from?

  7. strongforu Says:

    What the hell is going on around here? These crimes sound eerily like gang initiations. I pray that the neighbors and police are vigilant as the summer approaches to keep this element under control.

  8. Michael Says:

    Very sad to hear this. Our neighborhood is just getting worse. Seems to start with the onset of spring. I hate to say it but these young thugs are not going away until one of them is shot to death. I don’t want to see that happen but this shit is out of control. I know the police are doing everything they can but we all need to be very vigilant. It’s scary that it is happening so early in the evening too.

  9. Handsome Pete Says:


  10. 46st Says:

    It’s amazing how every time when a black person does something mainly the ”black male” they’re called ”thugs” but when a white person does something they’re mentally disturb and need help, boy do I hate this country

  11. Handsome Pete Says:

    I wish I could “like” that 46st.

  12. And... Says:

    Seems “thug” was describing behavior rather than race… I’m pretty sure I’d refer to three young white criminals shooting up a residential street as “thugs” also

  13. Michael Says:

    To defend myself and to be clear. The word thug was meant as a description of behavior folks. Lets not turn this into simply a race issue as I hope you know there’s a lot more at play here. Bottom line. People need to stop making themselves victims by behaving like victims. I imagine this man could have avoided being shot if he did not run. Thoughts?

  14. madame.znobia Says:

    Here’s a thought: don’t shoot someone who poses no threat to you–and in fact is unarmed, running away from you–just to amuse yourself. Mind-blowing, right?

  15. brendancalling Says:

    Anyone who shoots up a residential street or mugs someone or sexually assaults someone is a thug by definition: it has nothing to do with their race.

    For example, the recently busted Ironworkers Union was described consistently as “thugs” (in fact, it’s what they called themselves:

    And no, the man could not have been avoided being shot by running. Running was the wisest decision. Running AT a person pointing a gun at you is a recipe for getting shot.

  16. Mike Lyons Says:

    Here is an article from the NY Times on Sunday about race and “microaggressions.” I’m not saying anyone here is being racist or aggressive, but this provides an interesting perspective on a similar conversation.

    – Mike

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