
West Philly in Pictures: Horse-head post

March 25, 2014

Sometimes we get caught up in our own stuff that we miss interesting little details that abound in this part of the city. We spotted this cool horse-head post while walking around the hood. Can you guess where it is?


8 Comments For This Post

  1. Andy L. Says:

    Looks like a different spot, but there’s a whole row of them on Preston St near the 4000 block of Pine:,-75.203964,3a,15y,213.96h,75.57t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1spmgXOBYD0K4a18X4BxeLCw!2e0

  2. Nate Says:

    Its at the corner of Spruce Street and Melville between 45th and 46th. I used to walk by these posts everyday when I lived in West Philly

  3. Mike Lyons Says:

    You got it Nate. A few are tucked along that block of Melville.

  4. bmben Says:

    Hey! Thats outside my house!

  5. Strongforu Says:

    I use them to frighten the bad people.

  6. Corey Says:

    Actually, they work best when bloodied and placed in bed next to the bad people.

  7. ferry Says:

    4525 spruce to be exact.

  8. Sara Says:

    Melville and Spruce. When I take my 2 year old grandson on walks he feeds them pretend apples. He doesn’t know it, but I feed them pretend carrots. Glad they’re hitched to our block.

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