
House fire in Cedar Park neighborhood (updated)

March 31, 2014


Photo by West Philly Local readers Karen and Peter.

A house fire was reported in the Cedar Park neighborhood on Saturday, around 7 p.m.. A house on 48th Street between Baltimore and Cedar Avenues was engulfed in smoke. Multiple fire trucks and lots of firefighters responded to the fire that was shortly taken under control. The building was still smoking and it looked like it may have suffered serious damage, according to one West Philly Local reader.

UPDATE (3/31/2014): The fire was at a three-story twin at 615 S. 48th St. It was reported at 7 p.m. and brought under control in 27 minutes at about 7:30 p.m., according to a fire department spokesman. No injuries were reported. The cause of the fire is still under investigation.

3 Comments For This Post

  1. Ben Says:

    I heard from a fireman that there was no one injured but that is far from a definitive assessment. The house looks wrecked, most of the windows broken out, the roof I believe was vented.

    In notes from the action, and the beginning stages were action packed: I saw one fireman with his gear go from a ladder set on the porch roof reaching the front mansard to straddle the peak of the front dormer window with a kind of shimmy hop slide-step and then onto the roof. Keep in mind it was pretty much pouring. I commend them on the job they did bringing the fire down. My condolences go out to the owner and/or occupants of the house.

  2. K Says:

    I captured video clips of the back of the house between 7 and 7:30 PM. I must have eitght clips and four still images. The only moment that frightened me was around 7:15 PM when something popped and flashed followed by fire fighters yelling, “electrical”. The smoke exited mostly from the second floor. The crew broke every window they could find, most likely to release smoke. I captured the guy who vented the roof while swinging the axe.

  3. Ben Says:

    It’s a stand-alone, not a twin.

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