
Community forums at Lea Elementary, Paul Robeson High

April 2, 2014

Two West Philly schools are holding community forums this week and your participation and input are important.

Lea-perspective-Medium1– Greening Lea, a project of West Philly Coalition for Neighborhood Schools (WPCNS), is at the center of discussion on Wednesday, from 5:30 – 7 p.m. at the Henry C. Lea School Auditorium (4700 Locust, enter through the small playground on Locust). Participants will be asked about their vision for Lea’s new playground being designed by SALT Design Studio. The studio seeks input from parents, students, teachers, and the community on the project.

Greening Lea began the process in early 2012 with a master plan and vision to revitalize the Lea schoolyards. Your help is needed as they are moving forward with the first stage of the project. Please answer the following questions and email your responses to: or bring them to tonight’s meeting:

• What is ONE thing you love about your neighborhood?
• What is ONE thing you don’t like about your neighborhood?
• If you could make a change, what is the ONE thing you would change in your neighborhood?

More information on Greening Lea and tonight’s meeting can be found on the WPCNS website.

– PaulRobesonHighOn Thursday, April 3, from 5:30-7:30 p.m., the Paul Robeson High School for Human Services (4125 Ludlow St) will conduct its first Neighborhood Summit. The purpose of the summit is to determine the best way Paul Robeson High School can join with parents and community partners to improve the culture of the school and its community. All are invited! The format will be “chat and chew,” with informal discussions led by students and faculty.

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