
This week in West Philly: Forum with candidates James Roebuck, Algernong Allen on Thursday

April 7, 2014


James Roebuck.

As the May primary elections approach here’s a great opportunity for residents to meet local candidates James Roebuck (incumbent) and Algernong Allen (challenger) who are running for State Representative position in the 188th District.

The Garden Court Community Association (GCCA) is hosting a Candidates’ Forum on Thursday, April 10, at the Community College of Philadelphia west campus (4725 Chestnut St.) and all are invited. The event is designed to equip you with the information and perspective necessary to choose the community’s representation at the state level.

The candidates will answer eight prepared questions related to the topics of Economic Development, Education, Safety, Political Ethics, and Gentrification/Neighborhood Development, and will also take questions from the audience. The forum will be moderated by James Wright, a community development professional and West Philadelphia resident.


Algernong Allen.

The forum will begin at 7 p.m., but neighbors are also invited for a food & networking event beginning at 6 p.m.
For more information, visit GCCA’s (newly updated!) website


What:  GCCA Candidates’ Forum
When: April 10, 2014
Candidates’ Forum: 7:00-8:30 p.m.;
Food and Networking with Neighbors: 6:00 p.m.
Where: Community College West, 4725 Chestnut Street

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