
‘Lug Nuts’ weight-pulling competition for dogs, vaccine clinic on Sunday

April 28, 2014

Some of our readers have asked and now we can confirm that Philly Lug Nuts (Facebook page), an alternative competition for dogs, will be back in our neck of the woods on Sunday, May 4. This time the event will take place in Clark Park (43rd and Baltimore), with a low-cost vaccine clinic starting at 11 a.m. and the weight pull at 1 p.m.

As a reminder, the Lug Nuts program was designed as a way to provide competition for men and their dogs that didn’t involve fighting. All kinds of dogs are welcome to take part in the competition, from the smallest to the largest ones. All dogs will be judged by how much weight they pull as a percentage of their body weight.

The dogs wear padded harnesses and pull sleds filled with bags of dog food. Please note that no dog is forced to pull the sled (my dog, a Boston Terrier, refused to pull and preferred to lie down in the grass instead no matter how hard I and Lug Nuts folks tried to encourage him).

The event is co-hosted by the Philadelphia Animal Welfare Society (PAWS). Check out the flier below for more details.


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