
May Kindergarten Open Houses

May 11, 2014

As always, we’re sharing information on the upcoming Kindergarten open houses at assorted West Philly schools. The list has been compiled by the West Philly Coalition for Neighborhood Schools.

A. D. Harrington School
5300-34 Baltimore Ave., 19143
(215) 471 – 2914
Open House: Call for date and time

Alain Locke School
4550 Haverford Ave., 19139
(215) 823 – 8202
Open House: Tuesday, May 13. Starts at 9:30 a.m.

B. B. Comegys School
5100 Greenway Ave., 19143
(215) 727 – 2162
Open House: Call for date and time

Henry C. Lea School
4700 Locust St., 19139
(215) 471 – 2915
Open House: Thursday, May 15, 9:00 – 10:00 a.m.

Martha Washington Academics
766 N. 44th St., 19104
(215) 823 – 8203
Open House: Tuesday, May 13. Starts at 4:00 p.m.

Morton McMichael School
3543 Fairmount Ave., 19104
(215) 823-8272
Open House: Call for date and time

Penn Alexander School
4209 Spruce St., 19104
(215) 823 – 5465
Open House: Tuesday, May 13, 9:30-10:30 a.m.

Samuel B. Huey School
5200 Pine St., 19143
(215) 471 – 2901
Open House: Tuesday, May 13, 9:30-10:15 a.m.

Samuel Powel School
301 N. 36th St., 19104
(215) 823 – 8201
Open House: Friday, May 16, 8:30-9:30 a.m.


1 Comments For This Post

  1. Andy L. Says:

    Thanks so much for this list. I stopped by the Locke open house yesterday and had a chance to talk to a very friendly kindergarten teacher named Mrs. Burton and a busy but welcoming principal, Mrs. Katherine Carter.

    Principal Carter came into Locke as their new principal a year or two ago. She is very open to having more parent and community involvement, and she’s very open to having help from our neighborhood associations and neighborhood groups. She’s already welcoming the help of Drexel University, which is providing tennis lessons, tutoring, and weekly Saturday bus trips to Drexel for “Lindy Science Saturdays.”

    One exciting opportunity for Locke is that it’s in the federally designated “Promise Zone” that Pres. Obama announced a few months ago. This gives us a shot at getting extra federal grants for the school. One of the challenges for Locke is that it has some student populations with higher needs, including a significant population from shelters that means kids don’t necessarily make it through the whole year because they move when placed elsewhere with foster families and increasingly English as a second language students.

    Locke’s catchment borders Penn Alexander, Powel, and Lea, and has some overlap in both Spruce Hill and Walnut Hill. It’s half a block up from the 46th St subway station and across from the future site of the new police headquarters.

    If you’d like to contact Principal Carter with ideas or support, email her at or call her at 215-823-8202.

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