
The Green Tambourine expanding; Open House this weekend

June 9, 2014

The Green Tambourine founder Ann Schwartz in front of her expanded studio at 4614-16 Baltimore Avenue (Photo by Annamarya Scaccia / West Philly Local)

As West Philly Local reported last monthHALO Foundation Boutique at 4616 Baltimore Avenue—which we profiled in March—has closed down, becoming just another failed business in a space that’s known as a revolving door for entrepreneurial spirits. But it was undergoing renovations, which means it wasn’t going to stay empty for long. So what or who was now moving into that space?

West Philly Local reader tipped us off: The Green Tambourine (4614 Baltimore Ave), Ann Schwartz’s music program—turned—music studio, is expanding next door after two years of operations. When we caught up with Schwartz at her space last Wednesday, the veteran musician told West Philly Local that she had been working on the adjacent space for about a month, and should be ready to open it within a few days.

As part of the expansion, Schwartz will install a drum set and more pianos in the new space, add drum classes and adult ensemble rehearsals (think bluegrass, Irish fiddle, and jazz) to her program, and bring in more teachers to accommodate for the additional students she hopes to attract (right now, Schwartz is the only teacher). “My schedule is completely booked, so it’s the right time to do it,” she told West Philly Local.

An open house for the expanded space is scheduled for Saturday, June 14 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. and Sunday, June 15 from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. in order to introduce the new Green Tambourine to the public. Schwartz wants locals to drop by, check out the studio, learn more about her programs, and check out the different instruments.

“I’m really excited. [I’m] just looking for new ways to grow and be active in the community. It’s all about having music be a fun experience,” Schwartz told West Philly Local. “It’s been awesome being here, and I’ve so appreciated community support and involvement, which has allowed me to grow so quickly.”

Annamarya Scaccia


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