
Neighbors document the magical people of Clark Park

June 18, 2014


Elissa Sklaroff meeting a young lady named Chloe.

If you have been to Clark Park recently and paid attention to its bulletin board kiosks, you probably noticed clusters of photographs stapled to them. Over the past year, neighbors Elissa Sklaroff and James Klasen have been documenting events at Clark Park capturing images of the diverse people “who bring the magical park to life.” Now they found a great way to share the photos with their “models” and the rest of the community.

We asked Elissa and James to tell us more about their project.

“We are gradually affixing our photos to bulletin board kiosks in the park hopefully creating a “photo garden” for all to enjoy,” Elissa wrote in an email. “This is our thank you to Clark Park and the wonderful people who gather there.”

James and Elissa are not professional photographers; actually, both of them are mental health professionals. In addition, they are music partners and sing as a duo at a coffeehouse in the Fairmount neighborhood where Elissa runs a Sunday music showcase.

“In good weather, we frequently visit Clark Park to rehearse our music,” writes Elissa. “We have met so many wonderful people and have been enchanted by the rich colors and the textures of their diversity. We felt the magic of the park so strongly and differently each time we visited, that we were compelled to do something to document this. We are ardent non-professional photographers drawn to the urban experience.”


James Klasen stapling a photo to Clark Park’s bulletin board kiosk.

At the end of the summer, Elissa and James intend to install a collage of all the photos they posted. The collage will be installed in several parts of the park. Elissa says that there are so many images they would like to post. In addition to the bulletin boards, they also would like to use metal poles in the park, but they’re still waiting for permission to do that (when they tried to post photos on metal poles, they were taken down). In the meantime, everyone is welcome to check out and enjoy the images on bulletin boards.

James and Elissa also encourage neighbors’ comments and hope all their “models” will be surprised and happy to see themselves.

(Photos courtesy of Elissa Sklaroff and James Klasen)


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