
‘It’s time for action, not reaction’: Ferguson rally in Clark Park on Saturday

August 24, 2014

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The rally in Clark Park on Saturday. (Photos by Mike Lyons/West Philly Local)

About 125 people gathered during a light rain in Clark Park last night to talk about recent events in Ferguson, Mo. and many pledged to work in Philadelphia toward racial justice.

“It’s time for action, not reaction,” said Jondhi Harrell, head of the The Center for Returning Citizens. “It’s not sexy, it’s not protest time. It’s organizing time.”

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Jondhi Harrell of The Center for Returning Citizens speaks at Saturday’s rally.

Though organized days in advance, the rally had an impromptu feel as people emerged from the crowd to share their views on Ferguson and reiterate calls for volunteering.

Harrell and others urged people to participate in voter registration drives, attend meetings, even teach children to read.

“Be about this on a day-to-day basis,” he said.

About 20 police vehicles were parked near the park during the rally and a separate, unassociated “march” afterwards resulted in a skirmish with police and two arrests.

See our Civic Life page for a list of non-profits in West Philly, including the West Philadelphia Alliance for Children, Books Through Bars. Many are looking for volunteers.


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