
City repaving streets. Here’s what’s happening in West Philly

October 1, 2014

noparkingsignSome readers contacted us regarding Cedar Avenue, some of which was stripped of pavement last month. It looks like repaving will begin soon. Today a neighborhood resident tweeted that he saw a “tow truck… going down Cedar Ave warning people to move vehicles or they’ll be towed.” “Hopefully, they’re re-paving today!,” he added.

We turned to the Streets Department for more information and they referred us to the Streets Department Planning Paving for the 2014 Season page on their website. According to information posted there, the 2014 Planned Paving Program for city streets and roadways started in June and will go on until November. Usually, the paving process takes place in three stages over a 3- to 5-week period due to utilized by the city conventional paving method, which “mills off the top asphalt surface, preps and repairs utility manhole covers and any roadway base areas, then applies a new asphalt top surface.”

Here is the list of streets and roadways included in this year’s City Paving Program. By the way, Cedar Avenue will be re-paved all the way from Baltimore Avenue to 63rd St/Cobbs Creek Parkway (there is no schedule currently available). Re-pavement work is also taking place on S. 52nd Street from Woodland to Whitby Avenues and on other West Philly streets.

Here you can find more information for this week’s (the week of Sept 29) street improvement work and please make sure to move your car from the work sites when temporary “No Parking” signs are posted so that your vehicle is not towed. If it is towed, contact your local Police District to find out your car’s location.

3 Comments For This Post

  1. TJ Says:

    I see Spruce Street is not on that list, again. Pretty sure the intersection at 46th & Spruce will cave in this winter… never mind the mess at 38th.

  2. D.John Says:

    I’m happy they are paving the street but I don’t understand why the streets department cannot give just a little bit more notice. I didn’t see the temporary no parking sign posted across the street until I heard the tow truck driving down the street asking us to move our cars. My neighbor said they posted the signs late yesterday afternoon. I get they just tow your car to a neighboring street but it just seems like such an absurd system.

  3. Will Says:

    I assume they’ll just pave around the huge hole at 50th and Osage?

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