
West Philly’s Lea, Powel and Barry schools to show why walking to school is important

October 6, 2014

walk_biketoschoolThe International Walk and Bike to School Day, which stresses the importance of safer routes for walking and biking and physical activity among children, is set for October 8. Fourteen Philadelphia schools will be joining schools around the country and the world to celebrate it, among them three West Philly schools: Henry C. Lea (4700 Locust St), Samuel Powel (301 N 36th St), and John Barry (5900 Race St).

Walk and Bike to School events also emphasize pedestrian safety, traffic congestion, concern for the environment and building connections between families, schools and the broader community. Safe Routes Philly, a program of the Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia, is helping plan, promote, and coordinate events at schools across Philadelphia. SRP has also provided “I Walked To School Today” stickers and/or Clif bars for participating children at all registered schools.

Councilwoman Jannie Blackwell will visit Lea Elementary on Wednesday morning to participate in the Walk and Bike to School Day celebration.

1 Comments For This Post

  1. lin Says:

    Walking? Yes. Biking? Ummm…. NOT at all safe for kids to be biking around the neighborhood, especially at rush hour. I don’t believe anything will make it safer to cycle these streets, aside from banning motor vehicles.

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