
Free preschool options in West, Southwest Philly

October 14, 2014

headstartThe Philadelphia Head Start Partnership (PHSP), a program of Public Health Management Corporation, provides no-cost preschool education and family support services to low-income children and families and is currently accepting applications for this school year. Recently, PHSP began partnering with various child care providers in West Philadelphia (see the list of locations below).

Children who were 3 by Sept. 1, 2014 are age-eligible for Head Start services. If you are interested in applying to PHSP, please call 215.205.0400 to set up an intake appointment.

The following locations in West and Southwest Philadelphia now offer Head Start programming managed by PHSP:

Child Care Centers

Brightside Academy
4829 Lancaster Ave. 19131

Brightside Academy
4047 Lancaster St. 19014

Brightside Academy
801 N. 48th St. 19139

Woodland Academy
5401 Grays Ave. 19143 

Family Child Care Home Partners

Barbara Allison FCCH
6010 Cedarhurst St. 19143

Christine Day
5010 Cedar Ave. 19143

Cynthia’s Little Treasures
311 N. 63rd St. 19139

Debbie’s Little Angels Soaring Above the Crowd
5717 Walton Ave. 19143

Serena Spearman FCCH
5409 Addison St. 19143

Tiny Hearts FCCH
2724 N 45th St. 19131

PHMC Direct Operations

Monumental Baptist Church
4948 Locust St. 19139

Southwestern Presbyterian Church
2559 South 70th St. 19142

Tabernacle Lutheran Church
5843 Spruce St. 19139

3 Comments For This Post

  1. Preschool Says:

    This is a great opportunity for all the children at the West Philly, as they will get to learn new things with extra curriculum in a free preschool which will help in enriching their inner skills.

  2. Kelly Labar Says:

    Preschool is the most important for a kid as it is the first step towards career. Parents often get confused while choosing a good preschool for their child. Good to see the post! This facility for free preschool is going to help lots of people those who cannot afford a good preschool for their child. Greatly appreciated!

  3. Dominique Johnson Says:

    The children who don’t meet the requirements do not get a chance to go to head start or preschool. They are wait listed until kindergarten and left to fall behind. This is not as helpful as people may think.

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