
Hawking votes in the hood

November 3, 2014

There was a great hawk sighting yesterday morning near 43rd and Larchwood. The bird felt pretty comfortable on a fence and seemed completely unfazed by the people gawking at him/her.

By the way, the hawk positioned himself awfully close to a Tom Wolf sign.




5 Comments For This Post

  1. Strongforu Says:

    Cool! I saw a hawk family in Clark Park earlier this year.

  2. Molly Daly Says:

    Very cool! That’s a Red-tailed Hawk.

  3. Christina Says:

    That hawks want to pluck out our eyeballs, I just know it.

  4. LW Says:

    Neat, what a wonderful sight!

  5. Phebe Says:

    Thia is amazing! That bird is immense! How good to see that he feels comfortable surrounded by humans.

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