
Have a voice in the future of Spruce Hill: SHCA’s Annual Meeting on Nov 11

November 7, 2014

SHCA_map-04Community members are invited this Tuesday (Nov 11) to the annual meeting of the Spruce Hill Community Association (SHCA). The meeting will be held at Griffith Hall at the University of the Sciences (entrance on 43rd near Woodland), beginning at 7:30 p.m.

The annual meeting is a great opportunity to find out about what’s happening in the neighborhood and be part of an organization that has an important voice in the shaping of the neighborhood.

Matthew Bergheiser, the executive director of the University City District, will speak on the topic, “The State of University City’s Development Boom.” The report will include information on the current construction and development projects and also those that are still on the drawing board. 

Along with annual reports, elections will be held for SHCA officers and board members. The nominating committee’s slate is running unopposed, according to SHCA’s announcement, with the current president, Monica Calkins, standing for a second one-year term. Calkins is an assistant professor of psychology and researcher at the Penn School of Medicine.

Eric Santoro is running for executive vice president, and Mark Wagenveld for vice president (operations). Mary Ellen McCarty is running for secretary, and Andrew Richman for treasurer. Both are current board members. Ten board members will also be elected during the meeting.

For more information about the SHCA and Tuesday’s meeting, visit:


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