
University of the Sciences to reach out to local community through quarterly meetings (updated)

December 15, 2014

UPDATE (12/16/2014): Here’s the agenda for tonight’s meeting:

Support of K-12 education
Ongoing Engagement activities
Campus Master Planning
Call for university – community collaboration ideas

(12/15/2014): University of the Sciences (USciences) is reaching out to the local community by hosting a regular public meeting every three months. In a message circulated via email, USciences president Dr. Helen Giles-Gee writes that “as a member of our community, University of the Sciences recognizes that it’s important that we communicate with each other and share information.”

At the quarterly meetings, university leadership will provide updates on new and ongoing projects and “will seek your feedback on ways in which we may work together for the betterment of our community.”

The first community meeting will take place this Tuesday (Dec. 16) at 7 p.m. in the auditorium of the McNeil Science and Technology Center (43rd and Woodland, see map here). Light refreshments will also be served.

It’s not clear whether the meeting will include information and discussion of the university’s recent purchase of the former Wilson Elementary School building at 46th and Woodland, which it plans to convert into student housing (read more here).

1 Comments For This Post

  1. SMH Says:

    Community outreach! Support for local schools! Now how is that going to serve USP’s obvious ultimate goal of driving black people out of the neighborhood? I’m confused.

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