
Fire turns into ice on 52nd St near Locust

February 16, 2015

As was reported earlier today, flames engulfed the Locust Medical Center building at the corner of 52nd and Locust Streets early this morning, shortly before 5 a.m. Fire crews had to battle the fire and tough weather conditions – strong wind and extremely low temperatures. The fire was put out around 6:30 a.m., but due to freezing temperatures the water quickly turned into ice. (Photos by @nazerbangs).




Locust Medical Center last year (Google Street View).

6 Comments For This Post

  1. Robert Monk Says:

    Anyone know the ownership or occupancy before the fire? I want to do an evening hot cocoa sale and benefit, and White Queen costume photo shoot/contest there this evening. Who should proceeds go to? Is anyone else planning community support for those displaced?

  2. Dan S Says:

    Robert, according to public records:


    Mailing Address
    SUITE 3170 1331 E WYOMING AVE

  3. Philamancan Says:

    It was a medical center so I don’t think anyone lived there. Also I’m pretty sure all parties are required to have insurance. Hopefully it will compensate honorably.

  4. Philamancan Says:

    The real heroes here are the firefighters, IMHO. I don’t know how they accomplished all that without personal injury and certainly great risk and discomfort. I’m grateful for their service.

  5. Dr. Whom Says:

    Absolutely, Philamancan. All praise to the firefighters!

  6. Mario Westcott Says:

    I attended the facility on a number of occasions whereas they were listed as or for my pcp. I hahave chronic condions some of which were attended to and one of the main conditions ignored despite numerous coomplaints to the staff. Sorry to see it go however it did only serve part of my needs as my pcp…

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