
Ice covered building at 52nd and Locust to be demolished

February 19, 2015

frozen buildingThe three-story Locust Medical Center building at 52nd and Locust, which is covered with a thick layer of ice after an early Monday morning fire that was put out in freezing temperatures, is going to be demolished, according to reports. The authorities announced on Tuesday that the building may collapse at any moment, and the streets around the building have been closed all week. It is not yet know when the demolition will start.

The Fire Marshal is expected to release information on the cause of the fire soon.


4 Comments For This Post

  1. christina Says:

    They should’ve just let it burn–would’ve been cheaper for the city, probs.

    And yes, I know that’s dangerous, blah blah.

  2. Pooky Says:

    So putting more buildings at risk of fire is better because it would have been cheaper ? Cheaper for
    Whom? Blah blah blah indeed; winning thought of the day.

  3. christina Says:

    the blah blah means i agree with you. but still. too bad they couldn’t have just let it b u r n
    Coulda been like a little space heater, Pooky, and warmed the coldest West Philly hearts!

  4. Brian Says:

    Very strange outcome to see a building have a fire extinguished in order to not collapse, and then require being demolished due to damage caused by preventing it from demolishing itself.

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