
Shooting victim, a LaSalle grad, entrepreneur and, social worker, remains in “very critical” condition

March 9, 2015


Mary Pitts-Devine. From Linked In.

The 46-year-old woman who was shot eight times Sunday morning by a neighbor who then shot himself remains in “very critical condition” at Penn Presbyterian Medical Center, according to police.

Police say that Mary Pitts-Devine had an ongoing dispute with her male neighbor, identified in media reports as 53-year-old Steven Outlaw. They lived in separate apartments at 4530 Spruce Street in a three-story converted twin. Outlaw reportedly lived above Pitts-Devine, an entrepreneur, writer and former social worker.

The dispute culminated in Sunday’s shooting. Police recovered a handgun in Outlaw’s apartment that was registered to him.

Pitts-Devine, a 1997 graduate of LaSalle University, is the CEO and Founder of Prophetic Presentations, an artistic production company that is “speaking to the hearts of mankind via the arts,” according to its website. On the site, she writes that she has “a desire to help those trapped in the social ills of life, such as drug addiction, homelessness, disparity of all kinds, and severe family dysfunction. This burden stemmed from my brokenness I experienced as a child growing up in Foster Care.” On social media platforms, she writes that she is a breast cancer survivor and a kidney transplant recipient.

Neighbors have said that the dispute between her and Outlaw had been ongoing for about two years and that he had accused her of tapping his telephone line.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to the friends and family of Ms. Pitts-Devine. We’ll update with new information when we get it.

Mike Lyons

11 Comments For This Post

  1. Dorothy Says:

    My heart goes out to the family . This is the kind of thing that is so relevant in our society ~~~this mental disease of mental illness! My prayer is for God to ease the pain and do a miraculous work in this sister who has already gone through so much,

  2. trisha Says:

    praying you make it through. you have a strong family that care so much about you. i don’t know you, your my friends aunt and she loves you alot! i know god is with you and you will make it.

  3. Pam Says:

    My heart is heavy. I will be praying.

  4. Stacy Reneé Says:

    Prophetess Pitts I am praying that Jehova Rapha, The Lord Our Healer touches your body bringing devine and miraculous healing to you. May the Holy Spirit be with you and bring you peace and comfort as you are going through. Interceding on your behalf to our Heavenly Father asking for his Grace an Mercy to be applied in this terrible situation. Praying you will be raised from your bed of affliction victoriously as a living testament of the great and awesome power of God Almighty. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

  5. Victoria Huggins Peurifoy the Axiom Says:

    I think that I am just numb from hearing what has happened to Mary. the day before this events I had spoken with her for close to two hours. We have spoken about so many issues as well as an upcoming event April 25th that she wanted me to perform.she was excited about upcoming events and the various ideas she had for her business. Mary treated me like I was her mother and called me Mother Victoria often. I claim her as one of my poetic children and I pray for her every day asnd night and will continue to send prayers up to the Heavenly Father for her quick healing. Even if it takes a long time for herto heal the ultimate goal is for her to heal. I pray for her family for auntie her brother and her sister and for how poetic partners and even for her precious cats and she loved dearly. God is not through with Mary yet he is just giving her some more material to write aboutgod bless Mary Pitts and to God be the glory.

  6. Pastor Zora A Wright Says:

    God has done a miraculous thing.
    What is that?
    You were shot eight times and you are still here. Hallelujah!!!!
    The weapon formed, but it did not prosper.
    Your work is not, yet done.
    You are going through so that God can Shine through you even the more.
    I can’t wait to see the manifestation of His power and glory.
    The devil is defeated; he is under your feet.
    Watch out world.
    love you and see you soon.

  7. April Pitts Says:

    i love my sister stay strong

  8. Me Says:

    Some beautiful thoughts posted here. I don’t know her, but I hope for the best for your friend/relative.

  9. Renee Norris-Jones Says:

    Our hearts and prayers are with you Mary. Much love, Renee and Debra

  10. Eric Pitts Says:

    Thanks you all for the Prayers …My sister is a living testimony

  11. Eric Pitts Says:

    Please donate to Mary R Pitts -Devine go fund me fund

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