
Spruce Hill zoning, Garden Court community meetings this week

March 17, 2015

Two important and informative community events are happening this week in the Spruce Hill and Garden Court neighborhoods.

On Wednesday, March 18, the Spruce Hill Zoning Committee will be meeting at 6:45 p.m. at the Spruce Hill center, 257 S. 45th Street, to discuss a number of applications for development in the area. Cases will be heard in this order:

• 217 S. 42nd Street–application for a two-family dwelling
• 4030 Spruce Street–application for fraternity housing
• 400 S. 45th Street–increase in square footage allowed and increase number of permitted units from 12 to 19.
• 18, 20, 22 S. 43rd Street–application to increase maximum occupied area plus relief from five required parking spots (application is for relocation of lot lines from three to one in order to erect a structure for religious and educational use, connected to an existing structure).
• Presentation for feedback on possible development at 4415 Chestnut back to 4412 Ludlow by Scott Orens. 

Each case will take approximately 15-20 minutes, so applicants can plan their arrival accordingly. 4030 Spruce, 400 S. 45th and 18-22 S. 43rd are all “registered community organization” cases (meaning a community organization has to review them) with Spruce Hill as the designated convening RCO. The other two cases are for discussion and feedback.

On Thursday, March 19, the Garden Court Community Association is inviting neighbors to its general meeting, which will take place from 6:30 – 9 p.m. at the Community College West (4725 Chestnut St). Community members can learn about the 48th Street Commercial Corridor and engage with Daniel Levin of The Enterprise Center, on plans for this commercial corridor. Participants can also learn about home greening and home improvement programs that can reduce your utility bills. Thomas Flaherty of the Energy Coordinating Agency, and Jack Conviser, a Garden Court resident, will present this information and lead the discussion.

Potluck dinner will be provided! For questions, or for more information, please call 215-512-8384.

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