
Woman’s body found on 5100 block of Spruce St

March 20, 2015

UPDATE (9:35 p.m.): The 29-year-old woman was shot to death several weeks ago, but her body wasn’t discovered until this morning, according to police. Several people live in separate bedrooms in the boarding house, according to reports. The woman’s body was found in the first-floor living room under a mattress or blanket, and there was a foul smell in the house, according to police. Police also discovered the crime scene in one of the 3rd floor bedrooms where they believe the shooting took place. The investigation continues.

9:54 a.m.: Police are investigating a homicide on the 5100 block of Spruce Street. They say a woman’s body was found this morning, shortly before 7 a.m., inside a boarding house. Police say the woman lived in the boarding house with her boyfriend, and that she was probably killed a few days ago.


4 Comments For This Post

  1. Shelda Glover Says:

    This was our family home stolen via a fraudulent deed transaction by Priemere Real Estate, Michael Cohen. There is a cloud on the deed and William Pratt the current owner knows this. Its sad this woman lost her life in this illegal house of hell. My nephew Julius Glover forged the deed two days before my mother passed in Misericordia hospital May 20 th (forgery) mother passed May 22, 2003. The house is a turn of the century victorian that had the original pocket doors and stained glass windows. Cohen destroyed this house, Pratt turned it into an eyesore illegal rooming house. My mother worked hard to buy this house..I told the crooks they have this woman’s blood on their hands because if they did not do what they did this woman would not have been living there!

  2. Shelda Glover Says:

    I had my son’s funeral in the same dining room in 1996 during the blizzard. Two officers were killed in one week and not a single detective came to my home until Jannie Blackwell (councilwoman) took action. My child was killed by Jamal Roundtree on 42nd Filbert Street who was acquitted by the “infamous” judge Lisa Aversa Richette” I can truly say the house is cursed now. We had good memories, family dinners, kids activities and I took pride in decorating for every holiday. This house was the only house on the block that had not been altered. The kids and I got up early on Saturdays and did polishing dusting and cleaning. The backyard was nicely landscaped with beautiful flowers.I had a non-profit and worked with the youth in the community and enjoyed spending time in my home, drill team, basketball, gardening, and seniors spent countless hours in my home working on academic projects. I hope the police locks up the killer, the owner, and the cooked realtor.

  3. Kia Says:

    Wow! This is very sad & VERY close to home. From what I understand, everyone living there had some type of criminal past. Smh.

  4. Zyaira Goodman Says:

    This girl that nobody knows about is my cousin. Nobody knew anything about this until a couple days ago my family and i are still mourning from another lost in our family…if anybody knew anything could you please just tell the police please? Thank you

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