
Double duty as plows sends garbage trucks to repair shop; collection delays expected

March 23, 2015

Some residents said that their trash was picked up a day late last week. Now we have the explanation. The Philadelphia Streets Department has just announced that due to the extreme weather the city has experienced over the past several winters, an unusually high number of trash trucks, which double as plows, have been either scrapped or are in the shop for major repairs. As a result, trash pickup has been impacted citywide with scattered one day collection delays.

“We understand the frustration that comes with delayed trash collection, and we regret this inconvenience,” said Streets Commissioner David Perri. “During these past winters, there have been several occasions where Sanitation trucks have been fitted with snowplows to assist in snow removal. In these instances, Sanitation trucks account for over one-third of the vehicles used during snow removal.”

Residents are asked to continue placing their trash out on the regular scheduled day at the normal location as delays are expected to continue for the next several weeks. Materials not collected on the scheduled day will be picked up the following day.

4 Comments For This Post

  1. Dan S Says:

    Trash on our street and the surrounding block has sat at one to two days extra for nearly two months now. Every week I contact the sanitation department to come out and finish the job they started because I do see that most of the neighborhood is having their trash and recycling picked up on the scheduled day. The longer it sits out, the dirtier it can potentially become thanks to the wind and hungry animals.

  2. Mark Mandel Says:

    Damn, can’t they at least rotate the route some? Yes, it’ll cost some efficiency, but at least it would distribute the grief instead of (you should only pardon the expression) dumping it on the same residents every time.

  3. Abby Says:

    Yup, for the past two weeks our trash has been picked up a day late, though our recycling has been on time.

  4. sammonphiladelphia Says:

    I do not understand why sanitation is doing double duty for roads department. I’ve seen many trucks w/plows in the depot but we hook up our garbage trucks…. When the city pulls from dept. to work in another the pay goes way up TRIPLE TIME pay which is great for the employees but horrible for tax payers.
    To top it off, sanitation has left garbage behind, not picked up at all and have made horrible messes while tossing the cans back on to the sidewalks.
    I believe one way to curb the trash flying everywhere is if we all do our part to pick up the trash and to those who still throw your trash on the ground shame shame shame…
    Great day to all

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