
Fantastic new public space in the works at Lea School; here’s how you can help

March 30, 2015

Some of the naming opportunities in the Greening Lea project. Click to enlarge.

Some of the naming opportunities in the Greening Lea project. Click to enlarge.


Want to make a positive, indelible mark on the neighborhood? The West Philly Coalition for Neighborhood Schools has a way to become an important part of big undertaking. Its Greening Lea Project is offering naming opportunities for various parts of the evolving playground at the Henry Lea School.

The school’s playground was expanded last summer and a landscaped perimeter was added to part of the playground in 2012. Now coalition has its sights set on some bigger projects, including the addition of a new green stormwater infrastructure, brick pavers, large shade trees and rain gardens. New hoops will be added to the basketball court and seating will be added to the playground. The changes could make the Lea Playground a prime public recreation spot in the neighborhood.

If they can raise the money. 

For $100 you can buy a 4 by 8 inch brick ($50 for Lea students and parents) for the playground. 500 dollars will get you an 8 X 8 paver. Companies or individuals can get their names on permanent seating on the new playground, stepping stones in the rain garden, and even the grand gate and entryway that’s planned.

More information, including order forms to print out or fill out online, are available at the WPCNS website here. Also, here is more information on the Greening Lea project.

Mike Lyons

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