
Friends of Walnut St. West Library seeking community feedback

March 30, 2015

walnutstlibraryfriendsA support group for a great local library is seeking feedback from community members and stakeholders that will help improve their work. The planning committee for the Friends of Walnut St West Library is asking for just five minutes of your time to share your thoughts about their work in bringing library services, programs and events in an online survey. The results of the survey will help shape the Friends’ support of the library over the next three to five years.

“The more we can learn about why or how people use the library (or don’t) and what community interests the library might meet, the better we can assess how to supplement the Friends’ support of the library moving forward,” the Friends of Walnut St West Library president Kathy Wheeler wrote in an email.

Another goal of the survey is to gather information on how folks learn about events so they can not only attend library programs but be able to volunteer their skills and time. 

The Friends of Walnut St Library is an all-volunteer organization. They are behind many library programs and events, such as Chess Club, Spanish classes, holiday book sales, the annual Spring Egg Hunt, and many fundraising efforts. They were also instrumental in bringing about the renovation of the condemned library building in 1998 and its reopening in 2004 with handicapped-accessible doors, a street light, and a book drop box. Just recently, the Walnut St West Library Friends advocated for a six-day library service, and the library now stays open Monday through Saturday all year long. For 2015, the Friends are focusing on better signage inside and outside the library building, more adult programming and improvements to the pre-school area.

To access the survey, please follow this link.

For more information about the Friends of Walnut St West Library, go to their website.

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