
Four-year-old boy killed in hit-and-run in Kingsessing; black SUV sought (updated with video)

April 15, 2015

UPDATE (2:10 p.m.): Police told NBC10 that they recovered the SUV suspected in the hit and run after the owner contacted them. The investigation continues.

UPDATE (1:35 p.m.): Police released surveillance video of the fatal hit and run in Kingsessing on Monday, April 13 and are asking for the public’s help to identify and locate the suspect.

Police are looking for a black Ford Edge with chrome front. They say the vehicle was operated by an unknown female. The City of Philadelphia Mayor’s Office is offering a $20,000 reward leading to the arrest of the suspect. For more information, go here.

(4/14/15): A four-year-old boy was killed in a hit-and-run accident on Monday, April 13 in the Kingsessing neighborhood. Police are searching for a dark-colored SUV. The tragedy happened at about 6:30 p.m. on S. 57th Street near Litchfield, when the boy was crossing the street. An unidentified female driver was behind the wheel of the vehicle that fled northbound after striking the child, according to police.

Police say they have surveillance video of the fleeing vehicle from a nearby business.

43 Comments For This Post

  1. sammonphiladelphia Says:

    My sympathies go to the families

  2. Dan S Says:

    Assuming it was a car with a Pennsylvania license plate, isn’t there a searchable database of all owners of a 2011-14 black Ford Edge that police can use to narrow the search? This person (evil monster) has to be caught since they are obviously too cowardly to turn themselves in.

  3. gordon Says:

    So sad.

    If a police officer gives me a list of the addresses of those who own a car in the area, I’m happy to go scout and see if I can find the vehicle that might have suspicious damage. It’s a long shot, but this is such a tragedy.

  4. JJ Says:

    @DanS and @Gordon, It says in the very first line of the article that police have already recovered the vehicle.

  5. Dan S Says:

    Thanks JJ, but that update didn’t appear until after I made my comment. If it had, I wouldn’t have added my comment. Try to be more constructive and less critical next time.

  6. concernedcitizen Says:

    Is no one else the bit concerned about the way the secrecy of this driver seems to be protected?

  7. gordon Says:

    ah yes, I think I commented just after seeing the video…

    @concerned, I don’t know how police typically investigate this – don’t they usually only release names once an investigation is done and (I would presume) charges are being filed? maybe I’m wrong.

  8. sammonphiladelphia Says:

    Then we have a double standard here. With the other 3 recent hit and runs the driver has been named and taken into custody. Why not her?

  9. West Phil Says:

    Awful. The crime, however, is leaving the scene. The accident appears to be, just that, an accident. The boy ran into traffic. Not sure could be avoided. Every parents nightmare.

  10. concernedcitizen Says:

    MS Blackwell hit a ped in Mantua drove off and lied about it. Now it’s in federal court. She was never charged with the hit and run. I believe this is another case of City Hall Covering their tushes.

  11. cork Says:

    I have the same suspicion, concernedcitizen. The “hey here’s the car, and we can ‘meet’ but I’m not turning myself in” thing, that the police didn’t just go to her house and arrest her, that her name wasn’t released, and that the car was recovered in the garage under Love Park all lead me to suspect some City official is involved.

  12. gordon Says:

    More info please. Is there a link that I missed?

  13. concernedcitizen Says:

    Thats the problem…The missing links. I hope the family gets a good attorney to protect themselves. “If” it was a city official, from what I read in the article on the other woman who was hit by Ms Blackwell. I’d be afraid, get a lawyer and leave the city for a bit.

  14. gordon Says:

    @concerned, I meant a link. It sounds like you are saying that the identity of the driver has been determined. Please point out the sources…thx

  15. cork Says:

    The identity has not been released yet. The media coverage seems to have shriveled up once they figured out who the driver actually was – convenient. (And I think concerned just meant he/she was drawing off knowledge of the previous Blackwell incident in speculating about this incident.)

  16. anonymous Says:

    It sounds more like the driver lawyered up more than anything else. Police and the media tend to tread more carefully once an attorney is involved.

  17. concernedcitizen Says:

  18. concernedcitizen Says:

    Whenever there is a tragedy in west philadelphia especially when children are involved “city hall” always sends a delegate. Jannie Blackwell never misses an opportunity to show her support. Yet neither were present for this family.
    It is suspicious beyond suspicious. Mark my words. There is some sort of impropriety here.

  19. sammonphiladelphia Says:

    Love Park Parking is CITY HALLS night time parking. Which is probably why the Love Park Parking has not released the video of this person “possibly” tampering with evidence. ie washing the car throwing out items in the trash. I have done investigative reporting involving public officials who try to cover up their criminal activity. You might be surprised the lengths they will go to not be discovered. I can only conjecture that this murdering woman (allegedly) is well connected and therefor well protected. In My Opinion

  20. sammonphiladelphia Says:

    Keep this story alive bring justice for Abdul!

  21. sammonphiladelphia Says:

    PHILADELPHIA (CBS) — There are growing concerns and frustration among family and neighbors as to why the driver of a deadly hit and run in Southwest Philadelphia has not been arrested.

  22. concernedcitizen Says:

    The torture the family must feel

  23. philadelphiafreewoman Says:

    I just got word that “WE ARE ANONYMOUS” Got the tape from LOVE PARK PARKING. They are threatening to publish it if the perpetrator does not turn themselves in.
    I for one think the perp should come forward.

  24. sammonphiladelphia Says:

    Why has this woman not been charged? Why the silence and cover up? Affluenza strikes again. In my opinion A city employee gets special treatment while citizens pay the price

  25. momof2 Says:

    OK, what is the hold up? Why is this person not arrested? The police have the car, so they know who it is. If they were under the influence, all evidenced will be gone. This story is no longer in the spotlight and it looks light there was an internet cleanse. Who do we contact to get action?

  26. gordon Says:

    No idea – 18th Street detectives might be helpful: 215.476.2324.

    Or tweet to the local detective, Joe someone?

    I imagine both will say that investigation is pending, therefore no comment.

  27. Anon Says:

    Asked and answered yesterday.

    @phillybikes @PhillyPolice investigation is still going. There’s a lot to this case and everything needs to be solid to ensure justice.”

    @phillybikes @PhillyPolice you’re not going to kill a kid and get away with it. Trust me. The DAs office and the PPD are working hard on it”

    @phillybikes @PhillyPolice thanks for asking though. Glad people are as upset about it as we are.”

  28. sammonphiladelphia Says:

    Thank you Anon for the tweets. I think we should have a twitter feed to keep this in the spotlight. Also we should ask (as pressure) that the 2nd crime scene be preserved Love Park project put on hold until the investigation is complete and the arrest has been made. Maybe that will get them off their arses.

  29. Anon Says:

    You get right on that, sammon!

  30. Anonymous II Says:

  31. locust Says:

    Sounds like it was a car share car and not a municipal vehicle. Either way I could see how it would take extra police work to provide actual evidence for the driver’s identity.

  32. concerned citizen Says:

    I don’t understand a few things:

    1.) why do they need any more evidence? What evidence more do they need to obtain a warrant???

    2.) Why is the mother admitting it is not the driver’s fault? I see people driving like lunatics all the time through town and it fills me with terror and rage when I think about kids stepping out into this speeding car. To suggest that it is not the drivers fault is insane. As a driver you are always liable. And, this is hit and run. Which is enough evidence by itself, manslaughter or not, they left the scene of an accident.

    When I first read about this, and read the original reports, I could read between the lines. I knew immediately, when I read that mysteriously, they recovered the vehicle, but could not make an arrest, and that there is a token “reward” for info leading to arrest. bogus. And sure enough, we have a classic philly cover-up. A privileged citizen ran over and killed an un-privileged citizen and gets away with it.

    As a citizen of philly (unprivileged) myself for many years, I have learned to always look over my back, to avoid trouble, at any cost. Because, unless you are indemnified by being connected to city government or police, you are at risk of being arrested, and found guilty until proven innocent. For those few that are connected and have the protection, they are always innocent and indemnified outright. Or, if it is not easy enough to prove innocence, the evidence will always be tossed out as inadmissible.

    I am happy because at least I can live with myself. I feel sympathy for the victim’s mom. And pity for the perpetrator.

  33. concernedcitizen Says:

    It is a cover up. Affluenza strikes again.

  34. sammonphiladelphia Says:

    Justice for this family

  35. philadelphiafreewoman Says:

    This is till not solved? It is very sad. The family had to move? My heart breaks for this family.

  36. disgruntled citizen Says:

    This is an abomination Shameful. Down right dirty of city hall to allow such a cover-up. alleged!

  37. momof2 Says:

    This is still not solved, and it is no longer news. What can we do to keep this in the spotlight until they bring in the coward? I have to say, this does look suspicious a smells like a cover up.

  38. Anonymous Says:

    March on the 12th District.

  39. concernedcitizen Says:

    call councilwoman Blackwell

  40. sammonphiladelphia Says:

    Still no arrest. This poor family. When will she turn herself in It must be eating away at her unless she’s a heartless soulless subhuman

  41. sammonphiladelphia Says:

    Meanwhile this [deleted by admin] is still loose and enjoying her summer vacation!
    When will the Philadelphia PD arrest [deleted by admin]? When will the political cover-up end?

  42. sammonphiladelphia Says:

    [deleted by admin]

  43. gordon Says:

    For those who are subscribing to this thread, someone turned herself in:

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