
SUV overturns after collision with another vehicle at 48th and Chester

May 1, 2015


A reader sent this photo of an overturned car at 48th and Chester this morning. The incident happened at around 8 a.m.

UPDATE: Here’s a witness report:

“It seemed like there were no serious injuries, although the driver of the SUV was taken away by Ambulance. Residents rushed to the SUV to help the driver out of his car. The other vehicle had substantial damage to the front end, but miraculously was drivable. A firefighter started it up and moved it away from the Trolley tracks.”

1 Comments For This Post

  1. concerned citizen Says:

    I would like to know who was responsible for this, and what actions are taken against reckless drivers, if any. These are the real criminals, who should have their licence taken away. How did the car flip? How fast were they going? How many more times will this person drive like a maniac until the day comes when they slaughter someone. (and in recent cases locally, get away with it, without recourse).

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