
SRC approves new charter school for West Philly

May 22, 2015

The School Reform Commission last night approved the revised proposal for a K-4 KIPP charter school in West Philadelphia.

KIPP’s original application, which called for a K-12 school serving more than 1,300 students was rejected in February along with more than 30 other applications for new charters. Only five were approved. KIPP revised the application to change school governance structure, teacher qualifications, opening date and its location. Originally proposed for the Kingsessing neighborhood, the new school will be located in Parkside.

The SRC approved the revised application 3-1. Chairwoman Marjorie Neff voted against the proposal and Commissioner Farrah Jimenez recused herself from the vote because of a possible conflict of interest. 

The school is scheduled to open in the fall of 2016 and will serve a maximum of 375 students. Last night’s approval means that KIPP West Philadelphia Charter School is the second charter slated to open in 2016 for K-4 students. Independence Charter School West will open in Southwest Philadelphia to a maximum of 300 students. The school proposes to recruit about half of its students from the 19143 (Cedar Park and Kingsessing) and 19139 (including Walnut Hill) and half from around the city, according to its application, which was approved in February. However, its catchment has not yet been established.

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