
Bike share station installed in Clark Park

June 12, 2015


Indego has installed a bike share station in Clark Park – at the southwest corner of 43rd and Chester. The station has capacity for 19 bikes. As a reminder, Indego, Philly’s first bike share program, was launched on April 23 across the city. Twelve docking stations are now open west of the Schuylkill (see map).

6 Comments For This Post

  1. Dan S Says:

    Looks like they took out quite a few parking spaces for them. I have only seen them installed on the sidewalks so far.

  2. Jeff Says:

    Very happy to see this location installed. A few parking spaces replaced with parking for 19 bikes is a great trade-off.

  3. A Says:

    The sidewalks of Clark Park were not sufficiently wide to host the bikeshare station.

  4. j Says:

    @A, You do realize that these bikes were made for the streets and not the sidewalk, right? It’s unlikely that you’ll see people riding them on the “narrow” sidewalk…

    This is exciting. People in DC and NYC thought these would fail, and they have been very successful. This is how a progressive city thinks.

  5. Nb Says:

    Excellent, welcome to the neighborhood bike share!!

  6. A Says:

    I was rather obviously, I thought, responding to the first comment on the location of the bikeshare station being in the street rather than on the sidewalk.

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