
Shots fired at moving vehicle near 49th and Spruce; driver critically wounded (updated)

June 28, 2015

UPDATE (Monday, June 29, 10:15 a.m.): It appears that the shooting was not random, according to police, who said that the victim was involved in criminal activity. “200[th block of] S. St Bernard just looks like where he decided to do a deal that led to this,” said a police source.

UPDATE (11:25 p.m.): A man is in critical condition after he was shot inside a car he was driving on the 200 block of S. Saint Bernard Street, according to police. The car was going northbound on S. St Bernard when an unknown male exited from an alley and fired one or two shots in its direction, a woman who was a passenger in the car told police. The driver was shot in his left arm, but continued driving until he crashed the vehicle at 51st and Locust. He was taken to Presbyterian Hospital, according to police.

Police said earlier that the shooting took place on Sunday night, around 9:45 p.m.. West Philly Local readers reported heavy police presence near 49th and Spruce Streets and 51st and Locust.

71 Comments For This Post

  1. kalee Says:

    not sure what was going on at 49th & Spruce, but there was a LOT of police activity and an ambulance at 51st & Locust. Has quieted down, but still a few cops out there.

  2. Anon Says:

    I’m a neighbor on the 200 block of 49th street and we are beyond fed up with this crap. This is the second shooting in under three weeks (the last one happened practically outside of my door) and all of the crime and violence seems to stem from a KNOWN drug house, 221 S 49th street. Yet for a litany of reasons, cops keep claiming they are powerless to do anything about it, as my neighbors and I have received lip service at countless community meetings. Occasionally dealers will get picked up and they’re back on the streets within 48 hours, dealing in plain sight right in front of our houses. We need help and no one will hear our cries.

  3. MC KNOWN Says:

    There is a weird siren noise around 52nd and walnut

  4. sammonphiladelphia Says:

    @Anon contact send him an email. He will help you

  5. Anon Says:

    @sammonphiladelphia,we’ve spoken with so many officers about this. After the last shooting another neighbor reached out to Joe Murray, who said that the main problem is that the 18th district did away with its narcotics enforcement team which makes it that much more difficult for anything to get done. Feeling pretty hopeless.

  6. Anon 2 Says:

    How nice of the city to allow this property owner to enter into a RE taxes payment agreement:
    “2010 $0.00 $0.01 $0.00 $25.90 $25.91 RL00906122 SHELLEY R. SMITH LBR
    2011 $20.27 $27.66 $6.20 $23.96 $78.09 PY15777816 SHELLEY R. SMITH AGRE
    2012 $1,255.52 $282.50 $87.89 $313.14 $1,939.05 RL01202886 SHELLEY R. SMITH LBR
    2013 $1,499.42 $202.43 $104.96 $348.83 $2,155.64 RL01350993 SHELLEY R. SMITH LBR
    2014 $1,927.79 $86.75 $96.39 $218.56 $2,329.49 RL01494367 SHELLEY R. SMITH AGRE
    2015 $876.34 $39.44 $0.00 $0.00 $915.78 AGRE
    MISC $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
    TOTALS $5,579.34 $638.79 $295.44 $930.39 $7,443.96:

    Free to run a drug business with no risk of sheriff sale!

    Plus a bonus $11,630.87 in unpaid water bills!

    “Billing Date Cycle Meter Number Service Dates Served & Readings
    From To Usage 100 Cu Ft
    06-11-2015 1506 0318593 41R 05-11-2015
    683 06-09-2015
    694 11

    PREVIOUS BALANCE: $11,630.87
    CURRENT CHARGE: $100.00
    SERVICE CHARGE: $13.01
    USAGE CHARGE: $73.84
    LAST PAYMENT MADE: 06-08-2015
    TOTAL DUE BY 07-03-2015 $53.00”

  7. Concerned Neighbor Says:

    It is troubling that the police department appears to have their hands tied over this situation. How can a known drug dealer operate on a residential street despite multiple drug arrests coming from the house and more recently a set of shootings occurring in the immediate vicinity. Obviously shootings happen for a slew of reasons, but it is hard to believe there is no connection in this case.

    The tax payment agreement that was facilitated by Blackwell’s office to an owner with such an egregious record is one thing. But the fact that this now prevents any action from being taken when the house is being operated as a drug selling HQ is criminal.

    We need to put some collective and sustained community pressure on Blackwell’s office and the 18th district to do something about this. This is unacceptable.

  8. Anon Says:

    @hellifknow I just assumed the shooting victim was another dealer. If what I heard was correct, the gunshots that were fired a couple of weeks back involved someone trying to rob a dealer, who turned out to be armed.

  9. Walton Says:

    “Drug houses” are often known in the neighborhoods they are in, and they can hold entire blocks hostage. Why is it so difficult in the city to stop these known drug dealing locations?

  10. Concerned Neighbor Says:

    I question the good that patrols would do when the drug activity is literally happening in plain sight. These guys have been dealing here for years. I don’t doubt they know how to avoid obvious police patrols and the like.

    Further, a civilian patrol is dangerous to those involved and these particular guys are known for causing property damage and doling out harassment to people that try to get in their way.

    Which really gets to the heart of my response to you Hellifiknow, in what way is Walton’s question pointless?! Why IS it so difficult for the city to stop these known drug deal locations?!

  11. Hannah Says:

    I don’t live in the immediate neighborhood and so am not involved. But Hellifknow’s comment makes me think–why now contact the media now? Channels 6 and 10, and probably 3 though I’m not familiar, have reporters who research these things and make them public, putting pressure on the politicians and the police to fix the problem.

  12. Gordon Says:

    What if we hire a classical string quartet to play gentle music at all hours of the day outside the alleged drug

    I heard that dealers aren’t really into classical music culture.

    Or put up video cameras everywhere and get paparazzi to photograph everyone entering and leaving the house?

  13. Dehlia Says:

    Philadelphia Public Nuisance Task Force

  14. Dan S Says:

    So the water bill for 221 S 49th is under water and they are delinquent on their taxes even though they are enjoying the benefit of the city’s tax LOOP program? They need to crack down on this crack house ASAP.

    5100 and 5102 Larchwood have been vacated by the trash that visited those properties (owned by the same person) ever since the city turned the water off a few months ago.

  15. Anon Says:

    @Dan and @hellifiknow, this is not a vacant property. It is owned by a family who make a living selling drugs and (according to the block captain/neighbors) filing fraudulent personal injury lawsuits. It is not clear that this shooting was in any way related to the property, but given all the drug transactions going on in the surrounding blocks (they deliver!) it seems likely.

  16. Concerned Neighbor Says:

    I am all about going through the utilities, L&I and news outlets to take this property on. I am interested in the possibility of going through the Nuisance Property Taskforce. Has anyone had any actual success going this route?

  17. Dan S Says:

    @Anon, I understand the situation. In my example, the properties were not vacant either, but once they lost their water (and I am assuming but cannot verify their electricity and gas too) in February or March of 2015 both houses have sat empty ever since.

    I do not have any experience using the Nuisance Property Task Force, but I did get a nearby vacant home that was falling apart cleaned up and sealed by L&I by reporting the property to 311 repeatedly over the course of about 6 months.

    The Task Force sounds like a good start and also calling the cops every time suspicious activity (drug sales, idling cars with people moving to and from it, strange behavior, suspicious looking characters, etc) is seen at or near the 221 S. 49th Street property will at least keep the location in the forefront of the police station’s mind.

  18. 46st Says:

    How about get mad at your government for supplying these areas with drugs? People are always complaining about violence and drug dealers in urban neighborhoods, when the government is the biggest ”gangsters” ”thugs” ”DRUG DEALERS” you ever want to know. Not to justify what’s going on because it is wrong, but how can you blame people in an area for what they are doing when it was designed to happened??? I don’t think those people have boats where they can go and get it themselves, SO…… THINK ABOUT IT, before jumping to conclusions .It’s obvious that most of the people on here lack knowledge

  19. sickofcorruption Says:

    community meeting for Walnut Hill
    Lets meet there and get a plan. I know a woman who is very good at helping neighborhoods. She will help for free. She is very passionate and knows how to gets things done. She attends the meetings I know if we bring up our issue she will help.

  20. Concerned Neighbor Says:

    @46st, wha?!

    @sickofcorruption. I like that idea. Sounds like we should all mark our calendars for July 23rd at The Enterprise Center CDC, 4548 Market Street from 6pm to 8pm.

  21. 46st Says:

    @Concerned Neighbor, there’s nothing hard to comprehend it’s simple, this was design to happened. Drugs Guns, were put into urban neighborhoods to cause destruction amongst blacks. Not being taught our story instead of being taught history and so on, it all plays a part in why society is the way it is. When good paying jobs , lack of education being judge of skin color , facial hair, and being in the prison system, and makes it hard for most black people to survive in white America. So it resorts to some black people getting caught up that lifestyle, not justifying it at all because I don’t agree with poisoning your own people with man made substances. Just try to put yourself in those people shoes and try to understand why they have choose that path , and try talking to them maybe that would help bring some sense into a person and have one think maybe I should stop and doing something constructed with myself. Then if that doesn’t work, then resort to other options, but one can’t expect that to happened from the ”real thugs’

  22. Concerned Neighbor Says:

    @46st, I hear your point about the system and its effects and I do empathize. I personally wouldn’t have an issue with these kids selling weed to make ends meet. But man when you start having gun violence and you got 10, 20 guys hanging out on the sidewalk 24/7, drinking, smoking, making a racket…

    I think the time to have the conversation with these guys is passed. They know what they’re into, they know neighbors are upset about it happening. They do everything in their power to keep people quiet – intimidating, damaging property, civil lawsuits. Sadly in this case, we have to resort to these other options.

  23. Anon 2 Says:

    18th Police District Community Meeting 3rd Thursday of Every Month (July 16th) 6 p.m. at the Calvary at 48th and Baltimore.

  24. Neighbor Says:

    Maybe increased police action on this block isn’t that great for other neighbors, who maybe aren’t white, straight, or cisgender? You know, the people who experience disproportionate amounts of harassment and violence from police?

  25. Yeah Says:

    People are really not understanding how badly this crew harasses ALL of the neighbors with particular venom for anyone perceived to be gay or trans.

  26. Anon Says:

    @46st: it sounds a lot like you are sympathizing with these violent drug dealers. They are not just poisoning their own people, they are openly committing violent crimes and terrorizing their (predominantly Black, I would guess) neighbors. You can make your point without being an apologist for people such as these. LOL at the solution being to ask them to stop. Even if you’re macro critique is correct, it doesn’t absolve people at the individual level.

    @neighbor: I understand your concerns, but would argue that the better response would be to improve policing practices, not to leave terrified residents to fend for themselves. The actual people who are living with this in their daily lives are clearly asking for a police response, which seems perfectly reasonable. Other than getting them out of the house, which I think they should also pursue, what non-police options do they have?

  27. 50th st Says:

    Lol at classical music. It would be gentle. The block would love it! 🙂

    What’s the mention of trans or gay folks? I think I missed something. Was this related to something regarding someone’s status/identification?

  28. Anon Says:

    I think it’s in reference to trans and gay folks, as well as POCs, being disproportionately ill-treated by police and, therefore, not necessarily as enthusiastic about an increased police presence as the solution to this issue

  29. Tasha mack Says:

    I just think everyone need to mind the own business and worry about what goin on in there own house at the end of the day it’s drugs everywhere and if it was so much a drug house why there bills not paid its not adding up and yall all sound dumb and I don’t think it’s a black or white thing cause it’s white peoples around there that sell drug and pills to what about the people around that let there dogs shit around on that block everyday when I walk to the bus I gotta step over shit from them damn dogs and I been living around that block for about 38yrs and once all the white people came around so many problem started I don’t think it’s them it’s yall everybody just need to mind there own business and keep kissing them shitty ass dogs

  30. Concerned Neighbor Says:

    Tasha, all due respect, that is not the most constructive input. Minding our own businesses is not an option when there are bullets flying in front of our homes. This is not a conversation about dog shit, but I do agree that it’s annoying when people don’t pick up their dogs’ shit.

  31. Anon Says:

    LOL @ “yall sound dumb”

  32. Tasha Mack Says:

    I understand what yall are saying but yall pointing at one house and it other drug houses in that area so what do this drug house have to do what that shooting I’m don’t understand and the bikes cop be around that area everyday and they ain’t catch them so I really don’t think they doing that much out there but who to say Im just another home owner that live on the next block and I don’t want to see anyone house taken away over here say cause yall really don’t have any proof

  33. Philadelinquency Says:

    This incident (and the drug house) are now featured on Philadelinquency:

  34. Anon Says:

    “if it was so much a drug house why there bills not paid its not adding up… [SIC]”

    Because they care as little about their obligations to the city as they do about the safety and overall well being of their neighbors around them?

  35. Anon Says:

    @ Tasha Mack: I don’t know where to begin responding to your comments, but I’ll give it a shot:

    1. The bike cops are University City District police. They’re not really law enforcement, so them not having done something doesn’t mean there isn’t something to be done. Even if they were real police, it would not be a good argument to say that because the cops haven’t done something, nothing needs to be done.

    2. The fact that there are other drug houses in the area does not mean that nothing needs to be done about this house. Perhaps the police should do something about any house that is used for drug dealing.

    3. Why would take the side of violent drug dealers over people who are just trying to live in their homes without getting shot?

    4. “Yall really don’t have any proof …” It’s the job of the police to investigate allegations such as this and to decide whether there is enough evidence to go forward. The complaint here is that police are not doing their job. If the police investigate and determine there isn’t enough evidence to pursue charges against the alleged drug dealers, than that would be fine. But the neighbors are complaining that the police aren’t taking their complaints seriously. It’s not up to neighbors to gather evidence. And at any rate, they are saying here what they’ve experienced first-hand, so that is evidence.

    5. People just need to shut up and stop complaining about the fact that there have been multiple shootings on their block in the past few weeks? Okay, good advice, Tasha. Thanks for weighing in.

    6. What do dogs have to do with violent drug dealers?

    Seriously, though, you are probably my favorite WPL commenter ever. Please keep the comments coming.

  36. Frustrated Says:

    So the proposed solution (from people who legitimately know what they’re talking about) is call the cops while knowing they’ll do nothing, file complaints that go nowhere, alert the media, etc.? It embarrasses me as a citizen of Philadelphia that that is the best we can come up with. (Not saying that the people who are proposing that are wrong… just saying that it is horrible that it’s supposedly the only solution.)

  37. Concerned Neighbor Says:

    @Frustrated, RIGHT!? That’s what gets me, too. How is it possible that people can sell drugs in broad daylight with impunity? We hope that this escalation to gun violence can have one positive implication, which is that maybe it will drive awareness to this issue and something will get done.

  38. Gordon Says:

    Tasha … Troll much?

  39. Allen Iverson Says:

    The ppl that live in 221 pose no threat or do no harm to anybody that lives on the block. I’ve lived on this block for almost 30 years and yes they sit outside with their friends and have a good time just like anyone else sometimes they can be a little loud now I have no knowledge as to what happens in side that house but neither do yall just like they don’t kno what goes on inside of your houses. I think it is wrong for you ppl to just make assumptions because of what has happened in the past. Who the hell knows the shootings happening could be connected to to anyone the whole Philadelphia is full of crime ppl carry guns around all the time so I just think it’s foolish to point the finger and the shootings have not only happened on this block its happening in the area it could be anybody yes it probably makes since to automatically assume it’s 221 & I’m highly concerned about all that’s going on in my neighborhood too but I think you people should let the police handle it reguardless to the drugs being sold in broad daylight unless you are the police what happens now is not your concern stop being newsy neighbors let the police do their job.

  40. Anon Says:

    Not wanting to dodge bullets in our own neighborhood makes us “newsy” neighbors? Okay. Another A+ constructive comment.

  41. Gordon Says:

    Trying to come up with an actual solution.

    Have visible cameras take photos of passerby who walk by at weird
    Hours and post on a website if they aren’t known neighbors.

    Totally legal. People who do business with alleged drug operations prefer anonymity.

    Just brainstorming. I’m hopjng that there is a way to tell alleged drug businesses that they aren’t welcome without trying to press the police.

  42. Gordon Says:

    Also, Allen Iverson, I’m sorry that you don’t share my concern about drugs being openly sold.

    If you don’t care About openly sold drugs, please quietly go away.

  43. Allen Iverson Says:

    No the fact that yall are searching for history on a house that doesn’t belong to you makes you a newsy neighbor! And thanks my comment is very constructive smart ass!

  44. Anon 2 Says:

    Allen Iverson has said his peace. When do we hear from Dr. J on the matter? The quality of the trolling here really needs to improve.

  45. Allen Iverson Says:

    i do care but I’m not the fucking police so what the hell can I do about it? The same shit your doing.. NOTHING!

  46. Allen Iverson Says:

    I’m being nice dr.j is gonna be the one that curses your ass out! Lmao

  47. Gordon Says:

    Allen, looking up property info is not nosh.

    We are trying to be constructive.

    Either you are a troll or not helping to try to solve the problem.

    Please go away. Best of luck.

  48. Allen Iverson Says:

    Lol ok whatever you say I hope you guys are at the meeting I’ll see you there ..

  49. crankyconvalescent Says:

    I’on know, Tasha and Allen. Are ya’ll good with a shorty getting murked if that’s what it comes to, cause bullets don’t always reach their intended targets. If you’ve been here this long maybe you’re Teflon, but the rest of us don’t want to have to live in a real-life Wire episode. Seems like some folks are cool with the trap house neighbors, but look around you. This city is changing and they ain’t building it up to support the trap life. They will put them out of business and come for you, too, because at the end of the day, cash rules everything around you. Please peep the game. You homeowners? Then you probably want to stay where you are. Until Penn needs that crib. Then what you gonna do? That building that’s been renovated – Mommy and Daddy Penn are not going to have Daughter Dear dodging bullets while they’re paying her rent and for that expensive Penn education. Watch that other building get bought and no more PHA/Section 8. Not hating, just stating. The rest of us that just want to get paid, get laid and chill with a little lemonade would just kindly ask the neighborhood coke boys to stop the gun clapping or move to a block where they are more welcome. Looks to me like in a few days, the web can do what the police couldn’t which is put this on someone’s radar enough that attention gets paid. #staywoke

  50. Anonymous Says:

    Philly Reddit has a theory that the dude that goes in and out of custody so fast does so because he’s snitching

    Is the thing tying the hands of the 18th District in this matter the 18th District itself?

  51. Tasha Mack Says:

    i lived around there mostly all my life and no I don’t know the family that live in that house but like I was saying the police bikes cop be around there everyday and I do know because it’s been times my brother walk to the store and they messing with him and his friends but that even here or there again on the link that was on here I checked it out and it said that they busted in there house before and know drugs was in there and they still have there house so I what that being said it really must not be a drug house I just think that yall really don’t get along with the people in that house and you people would do anything to that family to bring them down I just think it rally getting out of hand and it’s not cool at all that yall would want to see a family lose there house over here say yall gotta do better and I’m sure it people all on the hole block that back up in there taxes and bills so yall putting there business up there show that yall don’t have any class at all but I’m let yall continue with the hate that yall have for that family this really goes to the person who live on the block and I will be sure to be at the next meeting

  52. West Philly resident Says:

    @Allen Iverson: “The ppl that live in 221 pose no threat or do no harm to anybody that lives on the block”

    Unfortunately this is not true. I know people who live on the block who were slapped with a personal injury lawsuit by one of the residents as a form of retribution, because 221 residents believed these people were calling the cops about the dealing. Ironically it wasn’t even them calling the cops, it was the block captain and the Community Association, but they got sued anyway (and won, since it was complete bullshit). One of the residents was also arrested for robbing and assaulting another long-time neighbor’s kid. So really, “do no harm” might apply to you but it unfortunately doesn’t apply to everyone on the block.

  53. Tasha Mack Says:

    Wow!!! The same block caption that be with the family in that house shit not adding up to me

  54. West Philly resident Says:

    @Tasha I remember that the block captain showed up in court to testify on behalf of his neighbors who were sued because he was sick of the drugs and thought it was messed up that they got sued. He sounds like a nice guy who wants the best for his block. It’s a shitty situation, nobody likes having neighbor problems.

  55. 50th st Says:

    Tasha, no one is complaining about weird neighbors per se.

    I’ll take you seriously as soon as you take these complaints seriously.

    Your position is “shrug shoulders”. Thanks. If you don’t have something useful and on point, please consider not sharing. Maybe there is a “west philly shoulder shrugger local” forum you can post to.

  56. Philadelinquency Says:

    First off: There are NUMEROUS complainants concerning 221 S 49th Street. I’ve communicated with more than one already. Others familiar with this block and drug activity have already commented on here and on other forums besides here going back to when activity escalated beyond a simple annoyance.

    Second: While occupants of drug houses like to demand total complicit silence from their neighbors and other witnesses and often resort to more than just words to secure that compliance, you are simply just not going to get it in neighborhoods that are redeveloping. In Kensington for instance, you can’t even make that demand in all but a few small areas of it. Neighbors see things, and they talk, and like every other neighborhood–there’s mass Facebook groups with thousands of locals on them who get the dirt and the whodunits almost as quickly as the police gets it after the shooting is over with.

    Third: A smart drug house is one where the customers don’t double park, keep drama to an absolute minimum, and the transactions take place inside the house far away from the public eye so neighbors do not suspect anything. In a “Stop Snitching” neighborhood there is obviously no need for any of that decorum. Essentially this house is now an externality that sticks out like a sore thumb since it has literally pissed off every neighbor who doesn’t transact business with that house.

    Lastly: I can see from a few people who have an excusatory tone with their comments something interesting: the mere fact people are talking about their own life/safety and where the source of violence is coming from in their community is far more disturbing to you than the actual violence itself. It tells me that you are part of the problem. The community safety won’t make much progress unless either you change your attitude YOU should be the one packing your bags and moving out, not the people who don’t want themselves or their families and children taking a stray bullet.

  57. Philadelinquency Says:

    Allow me to correct the grammar and punctuation from my last comment:

    Lastly: I can see from a few people who have an excusatory tone with their comments something interesting: the mere fact people are talking about their own life/safety and where the source of violence is coming from in their community is far more disturbing to you than the actual violence itself. It tells me that you are part of the problem. The community safety won’t make much progress you change your attitude, otherwise YOU should be the one packing your bags and moving out; not the people who don’t want themselves or their families and children taking a stray bullet.

  58. Philadelinquency Says:

    Ahh, I still forgot an ^unless in there, but by now my point should be clear.

  59. Ori Firebush Says:

    The real solution is to buy up all the low-cost parcels in the neighborhood and rent them to Penn and Drexel Students at exorbitant rates. Drive out the troublesome locals and replace them with troublesome kids from Chester County

  60. Philadelinquency Says:

    No, the real solution is to not fucking shoot harbor drug dealers in/upon your properties who get into arguments and indiscriminately start shooting at people every time one of those little special someones has a beef up their ass.

    If you can’t process that–then pack your shit and move. Find some art colony where you and your friends can live in perfection where everyone agrees with every brain fart that comes out of your ass.

  61. Anon Says:

    The REAL SOLUTION was pointed out by 46st nearly a week ago: ASK THEM TO STOP. Has anyone even tried it yet?

  62. Allen Iverson Says:

    Yes anon! How about that !!

  63. Me Says:

    “but how can you blame people in an area for what they are doing when it was designed to happened???” said the apologist many comments up.

    Isn’t this pretty patronizing to the people in the area? Like they have no free will and are just lemmings How come so many other long-time residents of West Philly have no problem not dealing drugs, if it’s so easy for the government to manipulate them?

    I don’t disagree with all of that poster’s comments, but it seems kind of insulting to the people he/she is talking about to imply that that lifestyle is completely unavoidable.

  64. Me Says:

    And Tasha says “I don’t think it’s a black or white thing”, even though no one before this mentioned race. And I know for a fact that many black residents, as well as white residents, do not like living next to drug houses.

    But ends with: “once all the white people came around so many problem started I don’t think it’s them it’s yall”.

    Alrighty. So it is a black or white thing, basically.

  65. Fed Up Says:

    More gunshots heard in the neighborhood just minutes ago. Wonderful.

  66. Anon Says:

    Don’t worry, there’s a whole bunch of people on here who are ready to tell you why it isn’t a problem! But seriously, have the adults here come up with any concrete ideas for these neighbors to pursue?

  67. Philadelinquency Says:

    Maybe baking cupcakes and a hug to your local drug dealers asking them to stop–and posit if they cease-fire there’s more baked goods where that came from. Passive-aggressive notes if that doesn’t work. Or failing those two, there’s always getting a Pennsylvania License to Carry a Firearm. You need two references, a money order, and the ability to pass an instant background check.

  68. Philadelinquency Says:

    By the way, as a gun-owner and supporter of the 2nd Amendment for self-defense, I’m always open to showing newbies the ropes on firearm safety, how to handle firearms safely and what works and what doesn’t for self-defense when it comes to firearms. If you’re considering this option, contact me privately and I can try to assist you.

  69. crankyconvalescent Says:

    So lemme get this straight, homie…the answer to gun violence is more gun violence? How bout you all find somewhere else to live while the rest of us go about our lives without having to resort to being strapped or dealing with those who do? Does being all official and NRA about it make you any better than the guys on the corners? Nah, dude. We need peace in these streets, period. Try again.

  70. Tina Marie Says:

    I’d like to purchase some crack is it good quality? Is the house off of 49th and Walnit St?

  71. Tina Marie Says:

    Sorry that was a bad joke its not funny though. I pray that everything works out that it all stops and there is unity in that neighborhood and the people get their lives together and not loose their home and everyone respects eachother and forgiveness and healing happens. So much anger on all parts just stop!

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