
Greensgrow’s low-cost farm share program kicks off this Thursday (updated)

July 9, 2015

UPDATE: Registration for Session 1 of the SNAP Box program is still open. Please go to: or contact Greensgrow at: or 267-496-0148.

snapbox2_72-496x298 (2)Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) is a great thing, but most farm share programs are costly and inaccessible for many city residents. Greensgrow Farms is bringing back its low-cost SNAP Box program this summer to help connect low-income individuals and families with local farmers and their produce. The program launches on Thursday, July 9, and here are more details:

SNAP Box participants in West Philadelphia can purchase their produce from Greensgrow West located at 4912 Baltimore Ave. on Fridays from 3 to 6 p.m. The SNAP Box program consists of three sessions, and each session runs for four weeks. Session 1 begins the week of July 9th, session 2 begins the week of August 6th, and session 3 begins the week of September 3rd. A one time fee of $26 valued at a retail price of $64 will offer participants an assortment of 5-8 weekly produce items sourced from local farms throughout the four-week program. In addition, program participants will have access to an onsite nutritionist and herbalist who will answer general health related questions and to free culinary education classes. Recipes, food prep and storage tips will also be offered. Additional information about the farms and farmers who contributed to the share will also be available.

Sign-up is still open for sessions 2 and 3. More information and a sign-up form are available here. If you have questions, please email: or call 267.496.0148.

2 Comments For This Post

  1. Kathleen Terrell Says:

    I am trying to register for the farm green grow were do I go

  2. WPL Says:

    You can sign up here.

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