
From Metro: An immigrant’s story of robbery charges, weeks in jail and mistaken identity

July 14, 2015

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Vickson Korlewala in the office of his company, Empower Liberia. Photo by Charles Mostoller/Metro

Metro reporter Sam Newhouse contacted us this morning to share his story about Liberian immigrant Vickson Korlewala, 58, a chemist and entrepreneur who lives near 55th and Market and who was wrongly arrested last year on robbery charges.

Korlewala and his wife Lorpu spent weeks in jail until charges were finally dropped. Both were arrested based on surveillance footage that shows a man who is clearly not Korlewala. He opens up to Newhouse about the experience.

“When I realized that it was not a joke, that I was in jail, it was the most fearful thing that ever happened to me in my life. Because it was wrong,” Korlewala said. “I’ve never been arrested in my life. I could see my whole future just went blank.”

Read the rest of Newhouse’s story here.

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