
Young woman found beaten, strangled in her apartment near 50th and Locust (updated)

July 16, 2015


Jasmine Wright (Facebook photo).

UPDATE (7/17/2015): Police have identified the victim as 27-year-old Jasmine Wright. Wright’s body was found with head and neck injuries, and she appeared to have been beaten and strangled. The Philadelphia Inquirer reporters spoke to Wright’s neighbors who described her as a quiet, sweet and beautiful girl who mostly stayed by herself. According to Wright’s Facebook page, she graduated from Drexel University School of Public Health last month.

The investigation continues.

(7/16/2015, 7:15 p.m.): A 27-year-old woman was found dead Thursday afternoon in her apartment on the 200 block of S. 50th Street, according to various reports. The woman was reportedly beaten and strangled. She lived alone in the apartment. She was pronounced dead on the scene at around 2:35 p.m., police told The Philadelphia Inquirer. According to police, the woman was found by the property manager of her apartment building after her father had tried calling her for several days. Police found no sign of break in, and nothing was taken from the apartment.

6 Comments For This Post

  1. Neighbor Says:

    Were the helicopters yesterday really related to this news event? The copter was back again this afternoon. Seems odd they would need two days of aerial footage for something that happened indoors. It was a similar looking white helicopter both times. Wondering whether something else is going on.

    Sympathy to this woman’s family.

  2. Concerned neighbor Says:

    Can someone please post the contact number for the detective on the case.
    I can’t find that information posted anywhere.
    Thank you

  3. WPL Says:

    You can call this number if you have some information: 215-686-3334.

  4. Helene Says:

    No helicopters for the women who aren’t killed –

  5. Anon Says:

    Helene: Are you suggesting there should be helicopter patrols to prevent crimes like this? I don’t think the reason for that not happening is a lack of concern about these kinds of crimes, but because helicopter patrols wouldn’t be an effective means of preventing them.

  6. Neighbor2 Says:

    Please let us know if there is updated info on the crime. is reporting police are talking to a “person of interest” so maybe there will be an arrest forthcoming.

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