
Police charge handyman in murder of Jasmine Wright (updated)

July 24, 2015


Jasmine Wright

Police have charged a 56-year-old handyman in the murder of West Philly resident and Drexel University graduate Jasmine Wright.

Police allege that James Harris, who police say has an extensive arrest record, sexually assaulted and strangled Wright, 27, in her apartment near 50th and Locust. Her body was found on July 15, about 24 hours after the murder.

Harris worked in the building but was fired about a week earlier, according to reports. Police say he still had a set of keys to the building and that his fingerprints and DNA were found on the scene.

Wright, who received her master’s degree at Drexel University’s School of Public Health a few weeks ago, was found beaten and strangled last Thursday afternoon in a bedroom of her third floor apartment after her father had tried to reach her by phone and finally asked the property manager to check on her.

Originally from New York City, Wright received her bachelor’s degree at Pennsylvania State University. She had lived in West Philly for about two years while she was attending Drexel’s graduate program. Her neighbors described her as a quiet and sweet girl, who mostly kept to herself. Her friends remember her as a funny and caring woman.

Harris had 31 prior arrests, police said, including sexual assaults. He was also convicted in 1982 for the murder of his own father. He had been in custody since July 19, when he was detained on suspicion of robbery and trespassing for re-entering the building.

14 Comments For This Post

  1. Anon Says:

    I would like to know more about his prior convictions. I really hope he hadn’t been convicted of anything after being released on his murder conviction (of his father), but I’m guessing at least some of the 31 arrests were afterwards? Obviously, you can be arrested without having done anything wrong, but I would hope the police would take it very seriously when they have someone in custody who was convicted of murder.

  2. Neighbor Says:

    I feel like the landlord should be punished in some way for not changing the locks. If the locks were changed this poor woman may still be alive today. Also who gives a convicted murderer keys to other people’s apartments in the first place?! I’m filled with anger and sorrow for Jasmine’s family

  3. l Says:

    > Also who gives a convicted murderer keys to other people’s apartments in the first place?

    I don’t know if a landlord of mine has ever let a convicted murderer into my home, but I have come home to people with ankle bracelets working in my home. Most businesses (such as property management) hire the cheapest labor they can find.

  4. Phil Says:

    I agree with you Neighbor. This is so so tragic; normal life being completely thwarted (her parents), and normal life erased by complete absence of logic on the part of the police and whomever hired this convict as a handyman.

  5. gordon Says:

    Jeepers. I own a building and every lock gets changed between tenants.

    It won’t bring this young woman back from the dead, but c’mon. Criminal negligence for the landlord/manager, perhaps?

  6. Cee Says:

    My heart aches for this woman and her family. How dare anyone give a job working in peoples’ homes to someone with that kind of criminal record. Rest in peace, neighbor.

  7. Tutti Frutti Says:

    According to Homicide Captain James Clark, “He’s been arrested several times for sexual assault, several robberies (and) several burglaries.”

    And yet he was still hired and had access to homes??? Unbelievable.

  8. sammonphiladelphia Says:

    It is tragic what has happened to this vibrant and wonderful woman. My heart goes out to the family who grieves at this time.
    It is Ok to put your own locks on the door as long as you give a copy to the owner. Also as a property manager I can say….
    Never let a stranger or any worker in your home when you are alone. If they insist then call the police and get a trespass against them. You have a right to know the background of your building managerial and custodial staff.
    You have a right to be present to open the door and NOT allow entry without your presence. Only under a emergency can anyone enter your house without prior notice, thus allowing you to be present to unlock and lock your place as well as make arrangements to have a friend be there with you.
    It is, the fault of the property owner. My boss checks everyones background NO ONE with a violent background can work in any department that deals directly with clients. No One with a conviction is ever given a key or access to a private residence NEVER EVER!!!! NEVER!!! All staff must be accompanied by mgmt when entering a property and no one person is ever left alone in the residence. Never! If some one breaks these rules it is an immediate firing. Expulsion from the property and if necessary criminal charges will be filed.
    The safety of the resident is first and foremost. Too bad not all property owners put people before profit.

  9. christine Says:

    According to the article above, I don’t think we can assume the suspect was employed by the building as a handyman. I read the article as saying that the guy makes his living as A handyman, and had lived in the building ’til shortly before the murder, and still had keys (to the security door/s, I’m assuming). Obviously, it may turn out that he worked in/for the building, but as the article is written, nowhere does it say that.

  10. Corey Says:

    According to CBS Local, he had been hired and fired from maintenance work in the building.

  11. Cork Says: is saying that as well.

  12. Pat Says:

    @Christine… Trying to post this for the 2nd time lol!
    I had the same thought. Perhaps the author of this blog can elaborate? Thanks!

  13. Neighbor2 Says:

    I hope he burns in hell and I hope her family owns that property and all others that the owner, HAROLD MURRAY owns. When you live alone and have multiple service people in your home, who are almost always male, it is your greatest fear. It’s a shame that man with multiple prior convictions, including assault and murder, was allowed access to anyone’s home. Apparently this creep developed a fixation on her, up to an including posting on her Facebook page. This is not just irresponsible, it’s criminal and I hope Murray is charged as well. If they can’t get him on criminal charges, then I hope they win civil charges and take every damn dime from him. This is upsetting and more so because it was completely avoidable. I mourn with every woman who has to remain living in that building and for any other woman who lives alone who is scared and sickened by this crime.

  14. Christina Says:

    His must have been a terrifying face to stare into as the last thing she saw in her life.

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