
Multiple shots fired on 5100 block of Catharine; one person wounded (updated)

August 12, 2015

UPDATE (8/13/2015): The shooting stemmed from an argument over a missing dirt bike between the victim, a 23-year-old man who was visiting his girlfriend in the area, and unknown males on the block, according to a police report. After the argument, the man reportedly left and returned with other males who pulled out guns and started shooting at the men the victim was arguing with. The victim was shot in the shoulder and was taken to the hospital where he was listed in stable condition, according to police.

(8/12/2015): Police are investigating a shooting that took place on the 5100 block of Catharine St. around 5 p.m. on Wednesday. Police say the shooting was from two different guns. A total of 17 shots were fired. One person, an unidentified man, was wounded. His wounds are not life-threatening, according to police. The investigation continues.

7 Comments For This Post

  1. 49th street Says:

    Serious question for people who have been here longer than I have:

    I have noticed more and more young guys who have nothing to do with their time jetting around on dirtbikes in the summer, running stop lights and having general disregard for the safety of others.

    Is the dirt bike phenomenon new, or is this something that has been happening for decades?

  2. Mike Says:

  3. Bill H Says:

    I can tell you this much about the ATV issue, which I learned reporting for WHYY: the dirt bikers have been around quite awhile, and there’s nothing particularly new this year. They’re a vexing problem nationwide. It’s been some years now that the Philly police (like other cities) have an official policy of not chasing them unless they’re involved in a crime besides just riding on the street. They go too fast and the chases are too dangerous.

    The Philly police do have a few strategies for rounding up and catching dirt bikers, but they’re manpower-intensive and this summer they basically haven’t had the time or budget to run what they call “an operation.” Those require several cars and officers on their own bikes; a helicopter to spot the kids they’re chasing; a tow squad to take the bikes away once they’re seized, etc. Lots of overtime pay so they’re pricey. I was hoping to do a ride-along on such an operation and they were hoping to run some (and still might), but so far between the Pope preparations and other stuff they haven’t been able to do one.

  4. the dude Says:

    One thing that will never, ever be cool: ignorance.

    People going around with guns thinking they are some kind of tough people. Ignorant cowards. Perhaps even bigger cowards are those that refuse to turn these people in.

    Its because of ignorance and cowardice that I have to watch over my back all the time even though I am a responsible, decent person.

  5. streetcar Says:

    to Bill H—–why does everything the cops do involve overtime? What do they do for the first 8 hours of their shift? I don’t know what the solution is but it shouldn’t automatically be extra work for the cops.

  6. 49th street Says:

    I think I’m going to buy 500 maps of Montgomery county and distribute them to these guys.

    “Hey, guys, look. Actual enjoyable riding in the country! Without putting pedestrians and motorists at high risk!”

    What a concept.

    Oh, wait.

    The pathology of the lives of these young men says, “not only is my life disposable, yours is, too.”

    I wish I could be more optimistic.

  7. adam Says:

    Riding in the city is the best !

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