
One of these things is not like the others: New apartment building on S. 45th St

August 12, 2015


New apartment building on S. 45th St. (Photo West Philly Local)

Those who often walk down 45th Street must have noticed new construction between Locust and Spruce streets. The “by right” project – meaning it doesn’t need variances or local approval – started in late spring at 245 S. 45th St. and is progressing quickly. The four-story apartment building has been carefully inserted between old West Philly row homes. It is taller than the adjacent houses. As was reported last fall, the new 15-unit building is owned by Glasberg Properties, which owns other – mostly student housing – projects in the city. We hear that these will be market rate apartments, priced at about $2000/month.

Naked Philly has some more details and photos of the building here.

6 Comments For This Post

  1. The Quaker Says:

    Yay! More housing intended for students. So modern!

  2. streetcar Says:

    Yay, more crap in the hood

  3. KM Says:

    $2000 an apartment? Grad students can’t afford that, and most undergrads don’t want to live that far west, especially for that price. Good luck renting those out.

  4. West Philly Resident Says:

    I usually am annoyed by all the complainers around here about anything new but… boy, that really does not fit in with the existing houses AT ALL. I would have appreciated a little more about what this “By Right” construction is. Strange that this cheap box can go up without any discussion, while anything at the site at 46th and Baltimore has had to fight with neighbors for the last 10 years.

  5. Strongforu Says:

    That ugly building will be rented out before the paint drys on it’s cheap walls. #theregoestheneighborhood

  6. Bianca Says:

    We need to find a way to change “by right” into conforming with the setbacks, at least.

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