
Directory of 2015-2016 Philadelphia after-school programs released

September 8, 2015

After School Activities Partnerships (ASAP) has released its 2015-2016 directory of Philadelphia after-school programs, which includes printed and online directories. The directory connects parents, youth and caregivers with extended-day programs and after-school resources throughout the city. This year’s printed ASAP Directory will be included in all editions of The Philadelphia Daily News on Wednesday, Sept. 9. Additional copies will be made available at libraries and transit hubs. The searchable online version of the directory is already available and is continuously updated.

Parents and caregivers can search the online directory by activity, such as arts and crafts, sports, writing, computer training, music, drama, and many more. An online map will help find programs in your area. Users can also browse directory listings by name. After-school care providers can submit information about their programs to be included in the directory.

As an example, we searched for programs offering arts and crafts, and here’s what the screenshot with the results looks like.


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