
Building It Together grants available for local organizations, community groups

September 22, 2015


Mosaic Community Church, 123 S. 51st St.

West Philly organizations and community groups have a chance to receive grants of up to $6,000 for their projects. Three years ago, as part of a capital campaign to raise money to renovate their new property at 51st and Sansom, Mosaic Community Church committed to give away 10 percent of all of the money raised to organizations who are doing good work in West Philly neighborhoods. This commitment turned into the Building It Together (BIT) Grant Program. This year, Mosaic’s BIT Grant Program has $26,000 to give away and invites local nonprofits and community organizations to apply.

The BIT Grant Program is comprised of two distinct funding opportunities: 

BIT Infrastructure Grant Program: Projects administered by registered 501(c)(3) organizations that involve capital-intensive improvements to community assets.

BIT Community Partnerships Program: Community projects administered in partnership with residents and neighborhood organizations.

Applications are being accepted on a rolling basis. All applications must be submitted via email no later than 5 p.m. on Oct. 25, 2015 to: (Also use this email address to ask questions).

For more information about the program and eligibility requirements, visit this page.

Past recipients of the BIT grants include the Calvary Center, Southwest CDC, Urban Tree Connection, Habitat Philadelphia, and City School.

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