
Are you a caregiver raising your relatives’ children? Attend Helping Hands Kinship Care Conference this Saturday

October 1, 2015

KinshipCareconfGrandparents and other relatives who are raising children are invited to the 3rd biennial Helping Hands Kinship Care Conference this Saturday (Oct. 3). The conference, which will take place at the West Philadelphia High School, is organized by Sen. Anthony H. Williams in partnership with the Philadelphia Kinship Care Committee.

The conference will feature a presentation on the new Community Umbrella Agency system (CUA) and workshops on issues that may be relevant to your family, such as Custody and the Law, Family Dynamics of Kinship Care, and Behavioral Health Resources.

This is a free event, but registration is required for lunch: Please call and leave a message for Adele Struble at Turning Points for Children at 215-528-3499 or Grand Central at 215-557-1554. Please provide the following for registration: Name, Address, Phone, Email, Kinship Caregiver relationship to child.

Date: October 3, 2015
Time: 9:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Location: West Philadelphia High School, 4901 Chestnut St.

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