
Several sightings of white long-haired dog on the loose

October 19, 2015

There have been several reports of a light-colored long-haired dog with matted fur running loose in Spruce Hill. The first sighting was reported last night near 44th and Pine/Spruce, and there were more sightings tonight in the same area. The dog appears very scared and doesn’t let anybody come close enough to capture her. Here’s a photo of the dog taken by one of the area residents last night.


If you see this dog, please contact ACCT Philly (267-385-3800) and report the location and time of the sighting.

9 Comments For This Post

  1. Katey Says:

    I saw him today. At first at 46th and Pine but I tried to get him til 50th and Osage when he cut south on 50th. He wont come anywhere near ppl. The closest I got to him, he barked and ran. I called ACCT to let them know.

  2. Maggie Says:

    I saw this dog near 45th and Spruce last Wednesday too. Penn bike cops were following it for a while.

  3. Sylvia Elias Says:

    I saw him on running on Pearl St between 37th and 36th, then he went north on 36th, about 10 days ago. Another person who was walking on Pearl also saw him, but couldn’t get him to slow down.

  4. lin Says:

    Folks, please do call ACCT (number above) and report any sightings to them as soon as you see him. Let’s get him off the streets before he’s injured or starves…. If you see him and contain him, safely, (in a yard or alleyway) that would be great. Leave kibble, if possible. I rescued a dog this way years ago. Followed her until she ducted down a dead-end alleyway. I blocked off the open end with trash cans and lured her with food, while she barked at me non-stop for an hour. (note: she never growled/showed her teeth.) I was able to grab her when she finally came for the food. Best dog I’ve ever had!

    They run and bark bc they are scared. Never chase a dog on the move.

  5. Ken Yanoviak Says:

    Saw him this morning Oct 21st around 7:15 am. Followed him from 35th and hamilton down baring to 33rd st. Last seen heading north on 33rd I’ll call ACCT

  6. April Says:

    I saw this dog on Weds night around 44th and Walnut. I did not try to get him, but I was very concerned. Is there any update on him?

  7. lin Says:

    April, there have been occasional sightings, and a couple people say they’ve called ACCT, but as far as I know he is still roaming – poor thing. We should keep calling ACCT whenever he is sighted.

  8. Emma Says:

    Some vet students recently brought a dog that looks very similar (can’t be positive, though) into ACCT and he was cleaned up, neutered, and adopted out!

  9. lin Says:

    Thanks for posting, Emma. Is there any way to find out where the students picked him up? also, if there is a photo of him when picked up and/or at acct? would love to be able to confirm the rescued dog is the same one seen by so many. 🙂

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