
BIG grants to improve river access and neighborhood businesses

October 21, 2015

Great news for two local non-profit organizations – The Enterprise Center and Bartram’s Garden – which have been selected to receive generous grants.

Bartram’s Garden has announced on their website that they are a recipient of a $2 million grant from the William Penn Foundation. “This funding will increase access to the Schuylkill River and promote Bartram’s Garden as a cultural hub in Southwest Philadelphia. Among the areas targeted are capital projects and programming for enhanced use of the river as a community recreational space and environmental center,” reads the announcement. The grant will be distributed over three years.

The Enterprise Center, a West Philly business accelerator, is in line for up to $1.2 million ScaleUp America grant from the U.S. Small Business Administration, according to reports. The purpose of the ScaleUp America funding is to help existing businesses in underserved neighborhoods grow. The funding will be used for training, technical assistance, and networking events for small businesses in the area, especially those run by minorities and women, reports. The first portion of the grant, $239,323, will come in the first year. The Enterprise Center expects to receive $1.2 million over five years.

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