
Blight be gone: Multi-faceted housing project breaks ground in West Parkside

December 2, 2015


Centennial Village, the mixed-use rental project that the city hopes will replace blight and help revitalize a section of West Parkside, has broken ground. Mayor Michael Nutter joined community members and neighborhood organizations at the Centennial Village groundbreaking ceremony on Tuesday. The project will transform 52nd Street between Columbia and Parkside Avenues, and some areas nearby.

When completed, Centennial Village will have 52 units of affordable housing available for seniors and people with disabilities. The project also includes an apartment building with 30 new units. It will also rehabilitate eight single-family homes and one duplex. The project also includes 7,633 square feet of commercial space.

“Centennial Village is a key project for the revitalization of Parkside,” Nutter said at the groundbreaking ceremony. “The project eliminates blight and improves quality of life for residents. This impacts levels of crime, property values, and community pride.” 

The apartment building is designed to accommodate seniors and people with special needs. It will enable people with physical disabilities to live more independently. It includes nine accessible units, 21 adaptable units, 22 visitable apartments and five visitable single-family homes.

Most of the units will be affordable at the 20 percent and 60 percent of area median income level. The building will have a community room and commercial space.

Philadelphia Senior Center (PSC) will offer services to tenants. Services include case management, financial literacy, life skills, health screening, and computer education classes.

Community Ventures, a non-profit developer of affordable housing in Philadelphia, is working on the project. Financing is provided by the Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority.

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