
53-year-old man beaten, robbed by teen mob near Clark Park (updated)

January 12, 2016

A 53-year-old man was attacked, beaten and robbed by a large group of teenagers on Monday evening near 45th and Chester, according to police.

The man was walking in the area around 6 p.m. when he observed a group of teens (10 to 12 boys) yelling and acting irate. The man tried to avoid the group and started walking in the street along the bike lane. The teens then pulled the man back on the pavement and started punching him until he fell to the ground, according to a police report. The teens continued punching and kicking the man while he was on the ground until a witness, who was driving by, noticed the beating and began honking her car horn until the teens walked away.

After the teens left the area, the man noticed that his house keys, cell phone and iPod had been taken.

The witness drove the man to Penn Presbyterian Hospital where he was treated for pains to his head and legs, according to police. 

The victim told police that he was unable to identify any of the teens involved in this incident. The area was checked for surveillance video, but none were found.

The victim’s phone and iPod are not equipped with a “Find me” app, so they couldn’t be tracked, according to police.

Taking into account the circumstances, police believe there is a small chance any of the teen suspects will be arrested. Police provided the following descriptions of the teens: 10 to 12 black males, 14 to 15 years of age, between 5 feet 8 inches and 5 feet 10 inches tall, all had backpacks on.

UPDATE: Residents are invited to discuss crime in the area at monthly community meetings with police. The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, Jan. 21, 6 p.m. at Calvary Center (48th and Baltimore). There will also be an emergency meeting at the Bryant School at 60th and Cedar this Thursday (Jan. 14) at 6 p.m. to discuss the recent spike in violent crimes in West Philly.

37 Comments For This Post

  1. bankish Says:

    maybe the same kids that attacked the trolly?

  2. FooDog Says:

    Someone attacked a trolley???

  3. 47 st Says:

    I would love to go to a meeting, if I wasn’t concerned that I would be mugged by teenagers along the way.

    A headline I would like to see, “four teenagers beaten badly in robbery attempt by very fit grandmother”.

  4. Dan S. Says:

    The worst part about these awful stories involving teenagers committing crimes in our neighborhood is my worry that this is just the beginning of their violent criminal lives, and that they will only grow to become even worse.

  5. nonesuch Says:

    I think it would be good for us all to attend the January 14th meeting in groups, walking there and home, both for safety and for solidarity.

  6. osage Says:

    How about, “Gang of 53 year olds beat up group of teenagers, teenagers decide to do something else with their lives.”

  7. Loiosh Says:

    Nice thought, Osage. Except at first I read the last word as “knives”.

  8. Josh Says:

    Does anyone have another source for this report? I can’t find a police report or anything, and it hasn’t appeared in the news anywhere else.

  9. Nb Says:

    Where were the police, UCD security, and U. Sciences public safety people that are supposed to be patrolling this area??

  10. Retired Teacher Says:

    Yes I too would like to attend the meeting but I would have to walk from 52nd and Larchwood. At 63, I’d just be too afraid of getting angry and try to fight back and get myself killed. That’s terrible when one cannot walk the streets in their own neighborhood at night or anytime.

  11. Osage Resident Says:

    No way I would go to 60th and Cedar after dark. Why don’t they have a meeting where potential attendees could go and not put themselves in a bad neighborhood after dark ?

  12. WPL Says:

    Osage Resident, several people have been shot on and near 60th Street since December, and this meeting is an opportunity for neighborhood residents to discuss crime in the area. As the above post states, there will also be a community meeting with police at the Calvary Center (48th and Baltimore) next Thursday at 6 p.m.

  13. Corey Says:

    Wow. We used to have 4 seasons: Spring, Winter Fall, and Violent teenager. Now this is happening on a cold Monday early evening in a typically safe neighborhood during the school year. It’s happening in front of people’s own homes. This sucks.

  14. Retired Teacher Says:

    Do you remember when you were a teenager. In my case, my parents expected me to be in the house doing my homework, studying, reading, or anything that meant I was in the house. At 5:30 pm, I was starting dinner. My mom did house work, my dad would pick her up. They were home by 6pm and dinner was done and on the table. The family make up isn’t like this anymore in most cases. It’s ashamed how things have changed so much.

  15. Corey Says:

    Retired teacher:
    Honestly, I was much more poorly behaved. I got in trouble here and there. If there was mischief, I found it. But still, there were lines I would not consider crossing. Ganging up with friends to attack an adult (or even another kid)? Not a chance. Even fighting and other misbehavior had peer rules. I don’t get it. Are these kids completely without any sense of empathy?

  16. Madame.Znobia Says:

    A man got to have a code.

    These kids probably won’t be winning any Image Awards this year. It’s nonsense like this that causes people react to suspicious police shootings/abuse with, “Well…he wasn’t no angel neither.” Has a corrosive effect on public life, much of it under the surface and out of sight.

  17. mr man Says:

    “Where were UCD security, and U. Sciences public safety people ”

    Are these people any help? I’ve never once seen them in pursuit, question or even help anyone out ever. I have seen them, even in warm months, sit around a local bogedas, shoot the shit at a bench in clark park and play on their phone while sitting on stoops. I doubt any delinquent is remotely threatened by their presence, or rather lack thereof

    Also, how about adding some dayum street lights on chester ave. once you are past 46 it’s basically an eclipse. Ripe area for crime.

  18. sivart elams Says:

    I believe the childrens is the future

  19. Corey Says:

    I enjoy pondering the future. I’m just hoping that we can make soylent green out of the young, rather than the old.

  20. Matt Says:

    Why doesn’t this report give any additional information about the attackers?

    “The victim told police that he was unable to identify any of the teens involved in this incident.”

    Might the victim at least remember the race of the attackers? It might help others in keeping a look out for this mob.

  21. WPL Says:

    We added the descriptions, but they’re not very helpful.

  22. osage Says:

    Matt, let me take a wild guess of who it was.

    Survey says: a bunch of foreign UPenn electrical engineer graduate students.

    At least, that would be the liberal dream – equal opportunity crime…

  23. Anon Says:

    Matt: I heard they were white, so you’re looking for “a group of [white] teens (10 to 12 boys) yelling and acting irate.” So, if you see “a group of [black/asian/hispanic/multi-racial] teens (10 to 12 boys) yelling and acting irate” there’s nothing to be worried about. Good luck out there!

  24. Dr. Whom Says:

    Nb asked
    Where were UCD security, and U. Sciences public safety people


    and Mr. Man commented
    Are these people any help? I’ve never once seen them in pursuit, question or even help anyone out ever.


    I have. I’ve seen a UCD patroller chase down and tackle a snatch-and-run purse thief. I’ve asked them for local information or directions (Where is ___ store?) more times than I can count, and usually gotten helpful answers.

  25. watchcat Says:

    I’ll mention again that the Sunoco at 45th & Baltimore — one block away from this incident — tolerates all sorts of con-men (& boys) hanging out, pretending to be homeless, hustling and often pressuring people for money to “help” pump their gas, etc. More than one have criminal records, and have threatened & vandalized neighbors. The store is afraid of them and tolerates them for fear of retaliation, treating neighbors who complain as though they are the problem. While there may be no direct connection, everyone looking the other way contributes to the perception that people can come into the neighborhood and capitalize on people’s liberal sentiments. And I say this as a leftist politically.

  26. Retired Teacher Says:

    I stopped at that gas station just a few weeks ago. I never noticed bad elements in the area. Then again, I just got the gas and left. Does anyone know if the police know about the criminal element that is hanging around in that area?

  27. Justin Says:

    Who are the parents of these children going to blame for this?

    The urban community in Philadelphia is so pathetic at this point.

  28. Anon Says:

    Justin: is “urban” code for something else, because all of Philly is an urban community

  29. watchcat Says:

    To “teacher” — yeah the cops are aware of the Sunoco situation, but it’s apparently not a priority, possibly due to understaffing, plus the guys in question know they can walk around the block and come back to “make” a few more bucks before they get tossed again. They seem to “work” in shifts. And they’ll be friendly if you give them what they want; it’s a subtle form of intimidation. On behalf of the neighborhood I ask you to please don’t give them money. And report them to the manager, so the store can’t pretend they are unaware; it’s really their responsibility. I repeat, these people are not homeless.

  30. mr man Says:

    From Dr. Whom –

    I have. I’ve seen a UCD patroller chase down and tackle a snatch-and-run purse thief. I’ve asked them for local information or directions (Where is ___ store?) more times than I can count, and usually gotten helpful answers.

    Right on. Glad to hear. I haven’t needed to ask them for directions but glad they to hear they went after a perp. If I ever see them do something more than just be visable (which is what I think they are really there for) I will comment here again re their good doings.

  31. LW Says:

    Part of the reason you see the UCD guys in coffee shops etc. is that they sign in there at certain time, such as closing time. I think this is related to some robberies that occurred a while back.


    i mean if you had enough time to walk out into the street. You also had time to start screaming at the top of your lungs and bolting away from them. If i see any of these hoodlums acting Irrate ill run or drop them

  33. the real 46er Says:

    I’d had UCD offer to walk me home on my way from work, etc. I think they are supposed to alert police if they see something- they are not police themselves.

    UCD people DO get dinner and coffee breaks and patrol businesses. There are only a few of them per square foot of west philly. Logic suggests they can’t be everyplace at once.

    The blame for this crime is the criminals.

  34. WildWildWest Says:

    Hey Justin

    The “urban” community of which you speak is not a monolith and plenty of the “urban” community would like to see stickup kids and shooters taken off the streets as well. Not that I can speak to the entire “urban community’ as we’re not as monolithic as say, the ‘non-urban racist community” of which you are obviously a card-carrying member.

  35. Neighbor Says:

    So what is the appropriate, productive response as a community? Should we advocate for more cameras? Better lighting? More frequent patrols?

  36. watchcat Says:

    Official police “security” cameras are absolutely NOT the answer, they contribute to an atmosphere of totalitarianism and are a sign that we are content to surrender our sense of freedom for a false sense of security. I and others would fight this as hard as we all should be fighting this wave of violence. (Individually maintained cameras are fine and sometimes useful, as long as they don’t interfere with other people’s privacy in and around their homes.)

    The immediate solution is for everyone to stop depending exclusively on other people and the police, and stop using phony liberal excuses to look the other way and not act when you see something going on.

  37. Bianca Says:

    Wow… this comment thread turned into a racist sh@tshow real quick. Good going neighbors!

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